Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 2: That One Night

*POV Switch*

I sit at the bar, cursing myself for being so stupid. How could I let her do this to me again? You’d think I’d learn by now. She’s cheated on me multiple times, broken up with me at least eleven times, but for some sick reason I always want her back. I guess I’m just a fucking idiot.

I take a sip of my beer and stare out into the crowd. Lucky for me Gena’s not here with her new boy toy. I’d probably lose it if she were.

A small brunette walks up to the bar and takes a seat next to me. I don’t pay her any attention and she ignores me. It’s nice not having people mob me when I’m here, makes me feel normal.

“A Jack and Coke.”

I turn to look at her; I know that voice.

“Thanks,” she says to the bartender, turning just enough so I can see her face.


“Zack! I didn’t know you would be here.”

“And I didn’t know that you started drinking,” I reply.

She takes a sip and makes a face, obviously not used to the taste. “Well, there’s a first time for everything, right?” She finishes off the drink quickly. “Another.”

“Now what on earth has got you drinking? Last I time I saw you, you didn’t even take Nyquil because it was like three percent alcohol.”

She downs her second drink at an alarming pace. “Ten percent,” she corrects me.

“Take it easy there, girly.”

“Don’t tell me what to do, Baker,” she snarls.

“I’m just telling you to take it easy. I mean this is your first time drinking, isn’t it? You’ve gotta pace yourself. I’m just trying to look out for you, especially since you came here by yourself.”

“Well, thanks for your concern, but I’m a big girl.”

“Will you please tell me what drove you to come here?” I ask again, knowing this isn’t her usual behavior.

She downs her third, this time at a slightly slower pace. “Chuck’s got a girlfriend.” She turns to the bartender. “Can I have another? You know this stuff isn’t so bad after all. ”


Now it all makes sense. She’s been head over heels for the guy, with him unintentionally leading her along, for years. I can understand why she’d think drowning her sorrows with alcohol would solve everything.

“Yeah. So what brings you here? I mean, usually you come here with the guys and they are nowhere in sight.”

“Well, I’m here because I’m an idiot.”

She furrows her brow.

“I found out that Gena has another boyfriend today.”

“Again? What is this, like the seventh time she’s done this to you?”

“I’ve lost count. But it’s something like that.”

She puts her hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Zacky.” She sighs. “Love sucks.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

She raises her glass to my beer bottle and they clink together.

A couple hours pass by as we catch up. It turns out she joined Simple Plan on their tour, helping Pat with merch. The band is playing a show in Long Beach tonight. She was going to be working at the show but couldn’t stay when she found out about Chuck taking back the girl who had cheated on him a while back and confronting him about how she felt about the whole thing.

I can’t help but feel bad for the girl. I remember when I met her about four years ago. She’s a friend of Simple Plan’s, who are friends with Good Charlotte, who are buds with us. Even though she’s worked with Simple Plan for years and we did Warped together in 2002 and 2003, I didn't befriend her until later. One night we all decided to get together and hang out when all of us were in the Huntington area. That’s how our paths crossed.

She was a shy girl who ended up staying in a corner of the room for most of the night watching everyone else party. I had decided to talk to her since her friends had obviously forgotten about her. She ended up being one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met.

We talked for the rest of the night, that’s when I learned about her feelings for Chuck and I told her about my problems with Gena. We bonded quickly and made sure we kept in touch. But lately things had gotten so hectic we haven’t done such a great job with the communication aspect of things. It’s nice running into her like this, even though the circumstances suck.

“I’ll be right back,” she says and I nod.

She gets up and walks to the bathroom. I can tell she’s tipsy, she can barely walk straight. And I also know that this means I’ll have to make sure no shady characters try to take advantage of her. I watch the ladies’ room door, waiting for her to emerge.

Moments later she comes out and heads straight to me. I’m relieved to see that she can remember that she’s here with me. Maybe she isn’t as smashed as I thought. I smile and turn to the bartender, asking for another beer.

I turn back around and realize that Angelica has disappeared. Shit, where did she run off to?

I scan the room and spot her by the pool tables talking to some guy. I know I shouldn’t be one to judge, but I don’t like the looks of this guy. I decide to head over there and see what’s going on.

“So I was wondering if you’d like to come with me to my place. It’s got this great view; I just know you’ll love it. And my dog, Tommy, loves people. He loves to play,” the guy says. I knew I didn’t like this guy; he probably doesn’t even have a dog and is just feeding her crap so she’ll go home with him. Well, not if I can help it.

“Angel, there you are! I was wondering where you slipped off to,” I announce, snaking my arm around her waist, hoping the guy would get the message.

“Zacky!” She exclaims, giving me a huge hug. “This is Erik, and he just invited me to his place. He says he’s got this adorable dog and that I can play with it.”

“I’m sure he does,” I mutter, staring the guy down.

“Do you wanna come with me to his place? I bet it’s a cute dog like Ichabod!”

“Oh, you know what? I forgot my roommate is having family coming in tonight. You can’t come over after all,” Erik says and quickly darts away.

“Well that was awful rude,” she says. “Just ups and leaves, doesn’t even ask if we want to come over some other time.”

I try not to laugh at her, but it’s hard, she’s kinda funny when she’s drunk. “What do you say that we step outside and get some fresh air?”

“That sounds really nice.”

I take her hand and lead her outside, hoping the fresh air will do her some good. I walk her over to my car and we sit on the hood.

“How is Icky doing?” she asks.

I smile; of course she wants to talk about my dog when she’s drunk. “He’s doing pretty good.”

“That’s good. He’s a cutie pie!”

“Yes, he is.”

“Just like his daddy.”

I look at her. “What?”

“I said he’s a cutie pie, just like you,” she says, flicking my nose with her index finger. Her eyes meet mine. “You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen, Zack Baker.”

I swallow hard. “Hey, it’s getting kinda late. Were the guys staying overnight or are you supposed to be leaving for the next city tonight?” I ask, mentally kicking myself, if she’s as drunk as I think she is then she probably doesn’t even remember four seconds ago.

“They were staying overnight,” she says matter-of-factly. “But I don’t wanna go to the hotel. I don’t wanna see Chuck,” she pouts. “And you can’t make me go there!”

I sigh. She’s still as stubborn as she is when she’s sober. “How about you stay at my place tonight? We’ll call Pierre and let the guys know you’re okay in the morning.”


I take her hand in mine and help her off the car. I open the passenger door and let her in. I take my place in the driver’s seat and start up the car; she immediately starts playing with the radio, finding a song she likes and starts singing along.

“They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies, you little spies. They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies, you little spies. Crush, crush, crush, crush, crush, crush. Two, three, four!” She sings drunkenly, but it actually sounds pretty good.

I smile, she’s cute.

“What are you smiling at, Zacky?”

“You, you’re cute.”

“You’re cute too, Zacky.”

I glance over at her and find her with her eyes closed, her lips gently parted. I turn the radio down and continue to drive home.

I pull up in the drive and kill the engine. I gently shake her and her eyes flutter open.

“Are we there already?” She yawns.

“Yeah, we’re here. I’ll come around and help you out.”

“Okie dokie.”

I open the door and help her out. She stumbles a bit, but I catch her before she hits the ground. “Easy there,” I murmur. “Here, this will be easier.”

I lift her up and carry her to the door. I dig in my pocket for the key and unlock the door after a couple failed attempts. I carry her over to the couch and set her down.

“See? That was a lot easier,” I say. “You can stay in my room and I’ll just make myself comfortable on the couch. That sound okay?”

She just nods her head.

“Are you okay?” I ask, sitting down next to her.

“Is there something wrong with me, Zacky?” She slurs the words a bit.

“Of course not, you’re perfectly fine the way you are,” I reply, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Chuck doesn’t think so,” she replies bitterly.

“Well Chuck’s an idiot if he can’t see how great you are.”

She gives a weak smile.

“Promise me something,” I whisper.


“Don’t hit me.”

“Why would I hit you?”

“Just promise not to.”

“Okay, I promise.”

Our eyes meet and I realize just how pretty her dark brown eyes are. I cup her face in my hand and brush my thumb across her cheekbone before I lean in and place a kiss on her lips.

I pull away and she touches her lips. “Zacky,” she whispers.

“I’m so--”

I’m shut up by her lips on mine. I tangle my fingers in her hair and deepen the kiss. She lets out a small moan, wrapping her arms around me. She sucks at my bottom lip and I moan in response.

We part for air moments later, gazing into each other’s eyes. I run my fingers through her hair and she smiles.

“I don’t wanna be alone tonight. Will you stay with me?” she whispers.

I kiss her lips. “Of course.”

I lead her to my room and she collapses on my bed. I lie down next to her, keeping my head propped up in my hand, and brush her hair out of her face.



“Kiss me.”

I happily oblige, coaxing her face to mine and giving her a deep kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like before I don't own anything except for original characters. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading.