Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 21: Hotel or Sound Check?

We finish up our food and head out to the car.

“Well, that was the best meal I’ve had in months!” she exclaims once we get in the car. She gives me a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, Zack.”

I feel my face grow hot. “Yeah, no problem.”

I look at the time and see that we have plenty of time until sound check. I pull out of the parking lot and start driving back to Denver.

“So are the guys expecting you back at the hotel before the show?”

“I think so. Why?”

“I was gonna ask if you want to come to sound check.”

She’s silent.

“I mean, I know you always hear Simple Plan’s sound check and all that… And it’s nothing exciting or anything like that…”

“I would love to! Just let me call Chuck so he doesn’t worry.”

“Sure.” I turn the radio down.

She gets her phone out and calls Chuck.

“Hey. Yeah, I had a good time. Listen, I know I told you that I was going to come back to the hotel before the show but I’m just going to hang out with Zacky and the guys. Is that okay?”

She’s silent for a moment.

“I know I’ve been hanging out with him a lot, but how often do I get to see him?”

She sighs.

“Chuck, I’ll be back after the show. I can take care of myself fine…"

I can hear Chuck's muffled voice as he tells her something.

"Chuck, I don’t want to argue with you right now. Chuck! Bye!”

She lets out a heavy sigh as she hangs up the phone.

I keep my eyes looking ahead at the road, acting like I’m oblivious to what had just happened. But I can’t keep my act up when I hear her begin to sniffle.

My eyes dart in her direction. She bites her lip as she tries to suppress the tears welling up in her eyes.

“Angel, what happened?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing, it’s okay.”

“I know something is wrong so you might as well tell me.”

She sighs. “You heard… Chuck and I got into an argument… He thinks I’m spending too much time with you. He just doesn’t seem to understand that we hardly get to see each other. It’s stupid; I don’t even know why I’m crying.” She wipes some tears from her eyes.

I pull over to the side of the road and turn on the emergency flashers.

“Hey,” I murmur, lifting her chin up. “It’s not stupid to be upset. He’s one of your best friends and it sucks to fight with your best friend. But it’s going to be okay, he’ll come around.”

She sniffles. “Why’d you stop the car?”

“Because it’s easier to comfort you when the car’s not moving.”

“You don’t need to comfort me, I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” She looks up at me with her big brown eyes.

“Okay, you’re sure?”

She nods her head.

“Alright, then I’m going to get back on the road. Now do you want me to drop you off at the hotel?”

“No, I want to go to sound check with you. I shouldn’t let Chuck get in the way of my fun. I’ll deal with him later.”

“Okay, to sound check it is then.”

She turns on the radio, this time not messing around with the radio, and stares out the window. I keep my eyes on the road, giving her space to think things over. I don’t really like what’s on the radio so I put in a CD, she doesn’t seem to mind because she doesn’t skip any songs. I guess I picked something worth listening to.

We arrive at the venue and I realize that she’s fallen asleep again. Man, the girl can sleep!

“Angel, wake up.”


“You dozed off again.”

“Sorry. I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”

“You don’t need to apologize.”

“Is it time for sound check?” she asks with a yawn.

“Just about.”

“Then let’s get you inside!” she exclaims, suddenly very alert.

I laugh at her sudden burst of energy and we get out of the car. I lead her into the venue. We walk down the hall into the dressing room and we’re greeted by the guys, all of them are sitting around drinking beer.

“Hey! Look who’s here!” Jimmy exclaims.

“Hey, Jimmy!” she calls out with a smile.

He rushes over to us and gives her a hug, lifting her up off the ground. “How’ve you been doing?”

“Pretty well,” she laughs as he sets her down.

“Hey, do you guys want a beer?” Johnny asks.

“Sure,” I reply, walking over to him and taking a beer from him.

“Nah, I’m good,” Angel replies. It's nice to know that she's gone back to her non-drinking ways.

“I should have known better than to ask you. You know you’ve gotta live a little, Angelica,” Johnny says, opening the beer he would have given her and taking a long drink. “Life’s more fun drunk.”

“If you say so, Johnny,” she laughs, rolling her eyes slightly at the comment.

“Where’s Matt?” I ask, noticing that he’s absent.

“He went to get something, he’ll be back soon,” Brian replies. “But he’s fucking late for sound check!” he shouts as if Shadows can hear him and will hurry the fuck up just because he heard Syn yell.

“Oh, Brian... You are such a goof,” Angel chuckles; shaking her head at him.

“But I am the coolest goof you know, right?”

“Of course you are, Bri. No one will ever be cooler than you.”

“I say we just start without him. We won’t be too long without him,” Jimmy says.

“I guess so.” Johnny gets up off of the couch.

We start to file out of the room to start sound check, hoping that Matt will show up sooner rather than later.

“Uh, Zack. I’ll be right out, I’ve gotta use the bathroom.”

“Okay, you know the way out to the stage, right?”

“Of course, it’s not like I wasn’t here last night.” She smiles.

“I forgot about that. Okay I’ll see you in a few.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this chapter was better than the last one.

I hope you liked it! And as always I want to thank all of you guys for reading and you're sweet comments. I really appreciate them. You guys are the greatest!