Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 25: Disbelief

*POV Switch*

I stare at her, into those dark brown eyes, trying to process the words she just said. But it’s not computing, it isn’t adding up. There’s no way… How can it not be mine?

“What?” I croak.

“It’s not yours,” she murmurs again and I feel like someone just punched me in the gut.

I sit up, taking my hand off of her stomach. She sits up smoothing out her shirt.

“Whose is it then?”


I can feel my blood begin to boil. Did she just say 'Chuck'?

“What?” I ask in disbelief.

She bites her lip, fighting back tears. I've upset her. That's the last thing I wanted to do.

“It’s Chuck’s baby,” she says, her voice barely a whisper.

“Oh… When did this happen?”

“About a week or two before you and I…you know… That’s why it was harder for me to take the whole him being with Ashley thing… Because we had slept together and it apparently meant nothing to him…”

“Are you sure it can’t be mine?”

“The doctor told me how far along I am, it’s longer than it’s been since we…”

So I guess I'm not going to be a father... Why am I not relieved? I'm not ready to be a father anyway...

“So… Does he know?”

“Yeah, he knows,” she replies, refusing to look at me.

“Is he gonna be there for it?”


“Are you guys…together now?”

She looks up at me sadly. “Yes.”

“Shit… I’m so… I’m sorry, Angel…”

“It’s okay… You didn’t know… I should have stopped you…” she says, her voice void of emotion. Or at least she’s trying to make it sound void of emotion.

“I just…” I pause, trying to choose my words carefully. “I don’t know why I did that…”

“You were probably just feeling guilty. You could see I’m pregnant and thought the baby was yours. Consequently you figured that you needed to be with me, so you kissed me as a way to tell me that you wanted to be with me... It’s okay, Zacky.” She gives a sad smile. “It didn’t mean anything and I won’t tell Chuck.”

I want to fight with her, tell her that it did mean something. Well, that it meant something to me. But it’s not like it would change anything… She’s with the guy she has always wanted, she’s having his baby and they’re all going to be one big, happy family. Fuck.

But where does that leave me, the guy who thinks he's fallen for her? Am I just going to stand by and lose her?

Angel and I sit in silence. I stare out into space, wondering how much of a fucking idiot I made of myself. I guess that’s what I get for throwing myself out there.

The others file into the room, suddenly going silent when they notice me and Angel. Great, I killed everyone’s night!

My eyes meet with Brian’s and he gives me the look, the one he always gives me when we need to talk.

I pull myself off of the couch and walk over to him. We walk to the far corner of the room.

“What the fuck’s up?” he asks.

“What do you mean?”

“You need to stop being so weird around her. Just because she might be pregnant doesn’t mean--”

“She is pregnant.”

Even though he thought she was, he looks surprised. “Okay, so why are you two acting so fucking weird?”

“Because I have a knack for fucking things up." I sigh. "I kissed her and she told me that she’s with Chuck, the father of her baby.”

“Wait, what? Comeau's the dad?”

“Chuck fucked her about a week or two before he got back with Ashley. Angel found out that she’s pregnant, he decided he’s going to be responsible and be with her instead of Ashley, and they’re going to be one big family.”

“And you found this all out after you kissed her?”

“No, I found out about it before and just decided to go for it anyway.”

“Don’t be a smart-ass.”

“Then don’t ask stupid fucking questions.”

“Fine,” He huffs. He's silent for a moment, obviously thinking. “Well, how did she react to the kiss?”

I look at him as if he’s crazy. “What the fuck kind of question is that?”

“What? I just wanna know. Did she hit you? Did she kiss you back? Did she scream 'rape' and we didn't hear?”

“And why is that even fucking relevant?”

"So she sreamed 'rape', huh?"

I glare at him, showing him that I'm not amused.

“Fine, I guess you can't take a joke..." he mutters. "Because I was talking to Val a little while ago and she said that Angel’s not happy with Chuck.”

“What?” I don’t know if I said it because I’m mad at him for knowing she’s with Chuck and not telling me or the fact she’s not happy is too shocking to believe.

“She said that Angel’s not happy being with Chuck. She thinks he’s with her for all the wrong reasons and it makes her unhappy. And Val thinks that Angel has a thing for you.”

“How’d she come to that conclusion?”

“She said that Angelica hardly ever took her eyes off of you tonight; not even when I did my solos. And you know I'm amazing when I do my solos." he smirks. He can be so arrogant. "So, how did she react to the kiss?”

I look at Angel for a moment; Val is leading her out of the room.

“She kissed me back.”

“And I think we just found out if she likes you back,” he says, putting an arm around my shoulders.

I look at the couch she just got off of; where we had kissed just moments ago. Could Brian be right? Does she like me?
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, how could he believe her? Why can't I just let her tell him? Why don't I just let them be together? Because sometimes things aren't that simple. Is she an idiot for lying, yes. But please don't be upset.

Thanks for reading, subscibing, and commenting! You guys are awesome!