Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 30: The Way Things Were Meant To Be

*POV Switch*

I hang up the phone and bite my lip. Did I really have to tell her about Gena? Hell, I don’t even know if I should tell the guys about Gena. They’re probably going to act like they’re cool with it, that they’re happy because I’m happy… But I’ll know what they’re really thinking.

I guess Brian shouldn’t have left me unsupervised last night with that Jack. I ended up making a huge fucking mistake last night in my drunken stupor.

Bri begins to stir in the bed next to mine. It’s a wonder he didn’t wake up when Angel called. But it’s probably for the best that he didn’t wake up; I dunno how he would react to the news of me and Gena.

Knowing Bri he’d probably hit me upside the head, asking me what the hell I was thinking and what happened to my feelings for Angel.

But honestly, what can I do about her? She’s with Chuck, and no matter how much I care about her, it won’t change the situation. She’s going to stay with Chuck because it’s what is right for the baby; the baby needs its father and that’s Chuck, not me.

Besides, Gena isn’t bad. She’s hot, and that counts for something. So what she’s cheated on me? She can always change. And even if she doesn’t it just gives me right to have my own affairs…

Fuck, I wouldn’t be able to do that. At least I don’t think I could do that…

“What are you thinking about?” Brian asks. My eyes dart to him; I hadn’t even realized that he had waken up.

“Nothing important.”

“I don’t buy that, Baker. Lately all you’ve thought about has been pretty important. What’s up?”

I bite my lip and look at him.

“I got back together with Gena.”

He looks at me as if he’s waiting for the punch line.

“You’re serious?” he asks when he realizes I'm not fucking kidding around.


“Shit, Zack. Why the fuck did you do that?”

I shrug my shoulders.

He’s silent for a moment.

“Well, I guess it’s for the best. The whole Angel thing probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway with her having some other guy’s baby. You and Gena were good together. I hope it works out.”

He gets up and walks to the bathroom. I look at him in shock, did he really say that? He notices my gaze.

“What the fuck are you looking at?”

“What the fuck did you just say?”

“About what?”

“Me and Gena.”

“That I hope it works out?”

“Oh… Okay...”

“Is that not what you wanted to hear?”

“I’m just…surprised. I was expecting you to hit me or something.”

He smirks. “Believe me, I was about to. But I started thinking about it last night; maybe you and Angel just aren’t meant to be. Maybe you two are just supposed to be with other people. I think that you two are better off as friends, especially with this baby coming along. You don’t want to get involved in that mess.”


“Her and Chuck. If he’s in love with her and she’s having his baby then it’s probably the best thing for them to be together. Remember she’s been in love with him for how many years now? Once she realizes that he’s with her because he really does love her then she’ll be happy.”


“Yeah... So, I’m gonna get ready to go.”

“When do we need to be out?”

“We’ve got like another hour before we’re scheduled to leave, but it might be nice to get a head start out on the road, ya know?”

“Yeah. I guess the sooner we get out of here the better.”

He disappears in the bathroom and I stare down at the floor.

He’s a wise bastard that Brian Haner. Why didn’t I think of it sooner? Of course Angel will be happy with Chuck; they’ll probably get married and have a happy family. As the weeks pass she’ll forget all about any possible feelings she may have had for me. Everything will go back to the way they used to be.

I get my shit together and grab my phone. The wallpaper is still set on the picture I snapped in the bar.

It’s time to change it.

I browse through my pictures and find an old one of Gena.

Gena… Why did I call her last night? Did I think that getting back with her would prove anything to Angel? Did I think it would make her jealous? Did I think it would make her realize that she wanted me and not Chuck? Or maybe I was just being stupid…

No, not stupid. I love Gena, I always have and nothing can change that. It was a matter of time before we got back together anyway… We always get back together, no matter what she does to me, no matter how much she breaks my heart, and no matter how many times I tell myself that I’m never going back to her; I always find a way back… Always.

I sigh and I change the wallpaper to Gena’s picture. I look at the smiling blonde on the screen and smile.

Things are going to be fine.

This is the way things were meant to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, it's a weak chapter, I know that. And it didn't have much of anything happen, but at least I updated.

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