Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 34: Can You Make It?

*POV Switch*

“Are you sure you don’t want to come over?” I ask, trying to hide the suspicion in my voice.

“I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t make it. I’ve got like a million appointments today. Maybe I can see you tomorrow. I mean, you’re going to be home for a while, we’ve got time to see each other.”

“Yeah. I guess I’ll see if the guys wanna hang out or something. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. I love you.”

“Me too. Bye.”


I hang up the phone and let out a sigh. This is the fourth time Gena’s bailed on me this week. Maybe I’m too paranoid. For all I know she could be working and I’m just overreacting.

I decide to call Matt, but my phone rings before I get a chance to find his number.

It’s Matt. Sometimes it’s like we can all read each other’s fucking minds.

“Man, I was just going to call you!”

“Zack, it’s Val.”

“Oh. Hey, Val, what’s up?”

“Angel’s gone into labor.”

“Oh…” I feel my heart drop into my stomach. “She’s in Huntington?”

“Long Beach. I just got off the phone with her.”

“And you’re telling me this why?”

I hear her sigh.

“Listen, I know you two haven’t really been talking much lately but she wants you there.”

“Really? She wants me there?”

“Yes, Zack, she wants you there. Are you going to make it?”

I bite my lip for a moment as I think it over.

“I’m sorry, Val, but I’ve got plans today.”

“Zack, I really think you should be there.”

“Val, I can’t. I’m really sorry.”

She sighs again.

“Okay, well if something doesn’t fall through we’re all going to be at Miller Children’s Hospital.”

“Alright. Tell her I’m really sorry.”

“I will.”



I hang up the phone and stare at the wall. Well this is just fucking fantastic! Gena’s ditched me and everyone’s going to Long Beach because Angel’s here and having her baby.

I wonder why she decided to have the baby here anyway. But then I realize she probably wants Myla there. Myla and her husband just have to live in the area.

Chuck’s probably there anyway, all the guys in Simple Plan too. And Val said that everyone was going to be at the hospital, meaning that’s sixteen people going to the fucking hospital just for her. Most likely thirteen of those people are going to fill up the waiting room; there would be no room for me anyway.

Why am I even considering going? It’s not my fucking kid! And Angel and I aren’t exactly on the best of terms right now. We haven’t talked since the morning I told her I got back with Gena. Some friendship we had, all communication is cut off as soon as I tell her I’m dating someone. Did I stop talking to her when I found out about Chuck? No.

I grab my keys, I’m just going to go drive around for a while and clear my head. Maybe I’ll think of something to do while the guys are in Long Beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is basically a filler chapter. It's the best I could do under these conditions and I wanted to update for you lovely people.

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