Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 37: Fess Up

*POV Switch*

“Just one more push!” Dr. Jacinto calls out.

I push as hard as I can. Literally, as hard as I can.

I inhale deeply once I’m done.

Cries fill the air and I smile. It’s out! It’s finally here…

“You did great,” Chuck murmurs, kissing my forehead.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I whisper, placing a soft kiss on his hand, which I’m still holding onto and is looking kinda purple because I’ve cut off all the circulation to it.

“You’ve gotta let go. I need to cut the cord,” he whispers to me.


I release his hand and tears begin to well up in my eyes.

Zacky should be here.

Zacky should be the one to cut the cord… It should have been Zacky’s hand that I was squeezing hard enough to cut off the circulation, not Chuck’s. Zacky should have been the one telling me to breathe and telling me that I was doing great.

But I guess it’s my own fault for lying to everyone…

“She’s beautiful,” Myla says softly.

“It’s a girl?” I pant heavily.

“Yes,” Val answers. “And she is absolutely gorgeous.”

“Here she is,” Dr. Jacinto says, handing her over to me after cleaning her up.

I take my daughter into my arms and the tears spill from my eyes. She’s finally here.

“She looks just like her mommy,” Chuck whispers, kissing my cheek.

“Yeah, she does,” I murmur, silently thanking God that genetics were on my side. I can't find a single trace of Zacky in her yet.

“I wish she’d open her eyes,” he says softly. “I want her to start recognizing us.”

“Babies can’t really see much when they’re first born,” I reply, immediately wishing I hadn’t said anything. “I mean, it’s all just fuzzy… But they can recognize voices. And she’s heard yours a lot.” I smile.

“She can recognize my voice?”

“Well, I think she can a little. But my voice is going to be the one that she knows the best.”

I smile down at my daughter.

Her lips are gently parted as she takes quick little breaths in and out. I look at her lips closely; they remind me of Zacky’s. But it’s not like everyone would be able to tell Zacky’s the dad just by her lips. I seriously doubt that anyone bothered to actually study his lips.

Hell, I didn’t even know I had studied his lips so closely.

She lets out a small cry, nothing more than a whimpering kind of sound, and her eyes flutter open.

My heart stops when I look into her eyes.

She has bright, vivid green eyes.

Eyes that are just like her father’s.

My gaze quickly turns to Myla and Val. Their mouths slightly open as they gaze at her eyes.

I take a deep breath and turn to Chuck. He won’t look at me; his eyes are glued to my daughter and her emerald green eyes. He bites his lip.

“Angel, I think it’s about time you told me who the father is.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry to disappoint all of you who wanted Zacky to be there for the birth. I had written a draft where he did show up, but I wasn't happy with it. I hope you're not terribly upset about that. And yes, the baby obviously had to have Zacky's eyes. How else would the secret get out?

Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting! You guys are awesome and I love you all! More to come soon.