Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 38: Something You Need To See

*POV Switch*

I blindly reach for my phone, smacking the table a couple times before I successfully grab it.

“Hello?” I grumble.

This better be good. I finally got my mind off of Angel and I was in the middle of an awesome nap.

“Zack, you need to get the fuck over here now or I am kicking your fucking ass!” Brian’s voice replies on the other end.

“Bri, I’ll tell you what I told Johnny,” I sigh. “I’m not going over there! And you were only supposed to call me if she was dying or the baby is born.”

“The baby has been born!” he practically shouts. “Now you need to drive your happy ass over here now, Baker!”


“Because I need to talk to you in person about something very important. Just get the fuck over here!”

“Fine, I’ll be there in a few.”

I hang up and let out a groan as I stretch out my arms.

Why the won’t they just leave me the fuck alone? I don’t want to be at the damn hospital!

After about thirty minutes of driving I arrive at the hospital. I find a parking spot and quickly make my way into the maternity ward of the hospital.

I walk over to the front desk where the receptionist behind it gives me very disapproving look. It must be the tattoos and piercings, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“May I help you?”

“I’m here to see Angelica Williams. What room is she in?”

“Are you family?” she asks as she looks me over.

“I’m the baby’s father. I was running late and I’d like to see her,” I reply without a second thought.

It may not be true, but if it gets me to her than I’ll do it.

“Oh. She's in room 328.”

“Thank you.”

I quickly find my way to the waiting area. Chuck’s sitting down, looking down at his feet, David and Jeff talking to him as if they’re trying to console him.

Did something bad happen? Is there something wrong with the baby? Is there something wrong with Angel?

I begin to panic at the thought of Angel being hurt. What if something bad happened to her during delivery? What if she didn’t make it through? I begin to make my way to them when someone grabs my arm, pulling me back the way I came.

It’s Brian.

“Bri, what’s going on? Is everything okay? Is Angel okay?” I ask, my voice slightly panicked.

“Angel’s fine, don’t panic. Now listen, I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that, Zack?”

“Of course I can.”

He lets out a heavy sigh. “Alright, now tell me something, just one little thing. Have you ever slept with Angel?”

I raise an eyebrow. “What?”

“Just answer the damn question, Zack.”

His brown eyes bore into me. Is this really any of his business?

I sigh and shake my head. “No.”

He closes his eyes and sighs. “I really wish you wouldn’t lie to me, Zack. I told you that I wanted honesty.”

“I wasn’t--”

“There’s something you need to see.”

He leads me through the waiting area. I feel several eyes on us as we walk to Angel’s room. I don’t bother to look at them, afraid to see angry glares.

He opens the door and there she is holding a small baby in her arms. Myla and Val are sitting beside her, cooing over the baby. They all look up at the sound of the closing door.

“Brian, why’d you drag me in here?” I mutter, feeling rather uncomfortable.

“Because you need to see this.”

“Come here, Zack,” Val says, waving me over.

I walk over to them, my eyes immediately dart to Angel. She looks tired, her dark brown hair is matted against her forehead. Despite all that she still looks beautiful.

Damn it, Zack! Don't think that!

“Hey, Angel.”

“Zacky, you’re here,” she replies softly, her voice trembling slightly.

Her eyes are red, as if she’d been crying. Why is everyone so sad? Is there something wrong with the baby?

“What’s wrong?”

She just shakes her head.

“Look at the baby,” Brian instructs.

My eyes fall to the sleeping infant in her arms.

It’s beautiful. It looks a lot like Angel. It looks so much like her I can’t even see any traces of Chuck. Is that why everyone’s upset? Because the baby looks so much like Angel? I wouldn’t exactly call that a bad thing at all.

“Is it a boy or a girl?” I ask.

“A girl,” Angel replies softly.

“She’s gorgeous.”

“Thanks…” Angel sniffles.

“Are you oka--”

The baby stirs in her arms, a small cry escaping her lips. Her eyes open and my heart skips a beat.

Her eyes are so… green.
♠ ♠ ♠
And another chapter for you lovely readers! I just felt like updating so I said, "What the heck? Why not do two chapters today?" I hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! I'll try to update soon!