Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 4: I Need To Clear My Head

*POV Switch*

I stare blankly at my TV, realizing that I have no clue what I’m watching. I shake my head and turn it off. I let out a sigh and lie down, staring up at the ceiling. I wonder what Angel’s doing now. She’s probably on the bus goofing off with the guys. I wonder how she’s doing around Chuck. Is it awkward? Did they finally settle their differences? How’s her hangover treating her?

Is she thinking of me?

What the fuck is up with me? Why am I even wondering if she’s thinking about me? It shouldn’t even fucking matter to me. So we had sex last night, it’s not like it meant anything. It shouldn’t even count for anything because she was too buzzed to even remember what happened.

There’s a knock at my door and I pull myself off of the couch to answer it. But the door opens before I can even reach for the knob.

“Zack, where the fuck were you last night?” Brian asks as he lets himself in.

“At Johnny’s,” I reply, knowing that he knows I’m talking about the bar.

“Man, I heard about you and Gena. How are you holding up?” He takes a seat on the couch and I take a seat next to him.

“I’m alright. I think it gets a little easier every time she does this now.”

“You shouldn’t have to be getting used to that shit. I don’t know why you even go back to her. I know she’s hot and all but she’s kind of a bitch.”

“I know, guess I don’t want to give her up…” I bite my lip, trying to think of a way to get off the topic of my ex. “So guess who I ran into last night.”

“Jenna Jameson?”

“I wish,” I answer with a smirk. “No, I ran into Angelica last night.”

He furrows his brow. “At Johnny’s Bar? Here in Huntington Beach?”


“What the hell was she doing drinking?”

“She was upset about Chuck. He’s dating the girl who cheated on him a while back. And since she was in Long Beach with Simple Plan she decided to come here and drink somewhere she’s been before.”

“Wow. That sucks for her, hasn’t she been hung up on him for a while now?”

“Yeah, like eight fucking years. He leads her on all the time. You’ve seen how he is with her. The sad thing is the poor bastard doesn’t even realize what he’s doing to her.”

“Damn. How can he be so…blind? I think I would notice if a hot girl like Angel was into me.”

I shrug my shoulders.

“So how much did she drink last night?”

“I think she had eight Jack and Cokes and some vodka. It was insane; I didn’t know she could keep her liquor down like that.”

“Shit, I wish I was there to see that! Angel drunk, that is a once in a lifetime thing.”

“She’s a pretty funny drunk. But it’s a good thing I was there. She needed someone to look after her.”

“Yeah, drunk girls by themselves are the easiest targets for guys who just want to get laid.”

My jaw clenches as I remember the guy who tried picking her up last night. Then guilt begins to gnaw at the pit of my stomach when I remember what I did.

“So why’d you stop by?”

“I just wanted to see how you’re holding up. I was kinda worried because you never answered your phone last night.”

“Turned it off. I didn’t want anyone to bother me.”

“Well, do you want to hang out tonight?”

“Sure. That sounds like a good idea.”

I’m willing to do anything to get my mind off of Angelica and get this guilty feeling out of my gut. A night with the guys sounds like exactly what I need.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, it's a short chapter and it's kind of a filler but I hope it wasn't too bad. Thanks for reading and a special thanks to those who've commented to let me know what they think.