Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 46: You Really Care About Her

(Still in Zacky's POV)

I make my way back to the waiting room and find Brian there, sitting in a chair and staring out into space. He almost looks like he’s deep in thought… Or maybe he’s just zoned out.

I wonder what he’s doing in here all by himself. Didn’t he figure that everyone else was looking at the baby?

“Hey,” I greet him, taking a seat next to him.

“Hey,” he replies, coming out of his daze.

“How’s she doing?”

“I’m not sure. Last I checked she felt like her world was falling apart.”

I bite my lip, knowing that it’s my fault she feels like this.

“She’s resting now. Chuck’s in there with her.”

“That’s good… She needs her rest."

“Yeah, she does. Where is everyone?”

“Everyone but Myla and Val are all looking in on the nursery. Any clue where they ran off to?”

“They told me that they were going to go make some calls, let people know that they just became grandparents and uncles or something like that. So, what does everyone think of the baby?”

“They think she’s beautiful. But that’s because she is. She looks so much like Angel…”

“Angel is pretty beautiful. But your kid is just a baby; she looks like Winston Churchill,” Bri replies with a laugh.

I give him a dirty look.

“Watch your mouth, Haner, that’s my daughter you’re talking about.”

He looks oddly surprised by my defensiveness.

“I was just joking, man…”

“Sorry, I’m just a little… On edge.”

“It's alright... So did everyone else figure it out?” he asks, leaning in his seat.

I sigh, mirroring his action. “Yeah, and they aren’t taking it too well.”

“None of us are, Zack. Why didn’t you two tell everyone that you hooked up?”

“Because it wasn’t exactly one of our proudest moments, especially for Angel. She never drank before in her life and the first time she does she ends up sleeping with me. You should have seen the look on her face when she realized we slept together… It was heart wrenching.” I bite my lip, recalling the way she looked at me with terror in her eyes. “I never want to hurt her like that ever again.”

“You really do care about her, don’t you?”

“Of course I care; she’s one of my best friends.”

“No, I mean more than that. You really care about her.”

His eyes lock onto mine.

I sigh in defeat. “Of course I care… I think I’m in love with her, Bri.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought I'd give you guys another short chapter. I hope you liked it!

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