Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 49: Forgive Me?

*POV Switch*

I furrow my brow, looking up at him with questioning eyes. I must have heard him wrong… Did he just say he wasn’t drunk?


“I wasn’t drunk that night we slept together.”

“Yes, you were, Zacky. I remember--”

“What do you really remember, Angel?”

“You drank. I saw you.”

“I had two beers. I barely even started on my third when I had to save you from some guy named Rick or Erik. We left not too long after that.”

Wait, Erik? As in Erik from my dream, Erik? But how can that be? It was just a dream.


“Yeah, Erik. He was trying to get you to go home with him, he wanted to show--”

“Me his dog…” I finish softly.

Zacky raises an eyebrow. “How did you know that?”

“I think I really do remember what happened that night,” I choke out.

Oh my God! No, this can’t be! It was just a dream! None of it could have actually happened… I refuse to believe that any of it happened!

Could it?

“Angel, what do you remember?”

I let out a heavy sigh and I tell him about the dreams that I’ve been having. How I just thought they were workings of my crazy mind, not actually me recalling the events of that night.

Unfortunately, everything that I have dreamt happened.

Well, at least almost everything.

I haven’t told him about the dream I had today, the one where I asked him how bad my head would hurt in the morning; the one where he told me that he loved me. I'm not telling him simply because I’ve come to the conclusion that one was in fact a dream, not me remembering the events of that night.

“Are you mad at me?” he asks, looking up at me wearily with those beautiful green eyes.

“Mad at you? What makes you think that I’d be mad at you?” I ask him, reaching out to touch his cheek.

I’m shocked that he even imagined I’d be upset with him about this.

How in the world can I be upset with him when I was the one who practically made him sleep with me? Every time he would ask me if I was sure I’d answer with a drunken kiss or grope him. How was he supposed to be able to resist that, especially that second one? I feel awful inside knowing that I really was that…forward, that pushy, that desperate.

“I lied to you; I made you believe that I couldn’t remember anything.”

“And I made you believe that this baby wasn’t yours for six months. I’d say we’re even now in the lying to each other department. Actually, we’re not even because what I lied about was a million times worse than your lie.”

“You’re not mad?”

“No! I mean, if you had told me in the morning that you weren’t drunk that night I probably would have beat you with a pillow! But after everything I’ve done, I can’t possibly be mad at you. And now that I remember what happened… I should be the one apologizing to you.” I run my thumb along his cheek.

“Angel,” he breathes, his eyes gently closing. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say that you forgive me?” I suggest, dropping my hand from his face.

He opens his eyes and I feel my heart flutter.

I really do love his eyes. I’m pretty sure I could spend the rest of my life gazing into them and never want to look at anything else.

He takes my hand in his.

“Of course I forgive you,” he whispers, tucking a chunk of my hair behind my ear with his free hand.

He gently grazes my cheek with his thumb. I close my eyes, enjoying the comfort of his touch. I open my eyes and they meet his. I smile at him and he mirrors the gesture.

I feel my heart begin to race, heat rising to my face and I only hope that I’m not blushing.

His fingertips lightly brush against my lips and my eyes fall shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, it's another "cliffhanger" and I hate to tell you guys that you're probably going to be hanging for a while. I have the nastiest case of writer's block right now and have gone through three different scenarios that happen after this, none of them really appeal to me. But don't worry, I'll try to update as soon as I possibly can.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! You guys are the greatest! It takes a special bunch to put up with my frustrating, stubborn characters!