Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 52: I've Been Thinking Of This For A While

*POV Switch*

I bite my lip as I stare at the door Zacky just left through. Actually, it’s more like I’m gnawing on the poor thing. I hate to admit it but I miss him already…

What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I care so much that he left? He’s left before and I’ve been perfectly fine. But now it’s like there’s this void inside of me. What’s been up with me lately?

It seems like ever since that night at Johnny’s I’ve had Zack on my mind to some capacity. I’d find myself thinking about his eyes, how it feels when he holds me, or the way he smells of cigarettes and cologne.

It’s funny, he’s the only person who I have ever been able to stand the smell of cigarette smoke on. I remember hating the way my clothes would smell of smoke when I lived with my dad, the way I hated the smell of smoke on other people. But with Zacky I don’t mind, with Zacky it’s all just a part of him and I adore it.

There’s a knock at my door and Chuck peeks his head in.

I smile at him, letting him know it’s okay for him to come in. I hate being alone in hospitals, so his company is very welcome.

“Hey,” he greets softly.

“Hi there.”

“Why’d Zack run off?”

“He had to go home. Gena got off work early or something and you know how it is wanting to spend as much time with your girlfriend as you possibly can.”

He nods his head, taking a seat next to the bed. “So he’s back with her, huh? I guess I forgot that.”

“Yeah. I guess some guys just never learn,” I reply a bit too bitterly.

Oh why hasn’t he learned? He’s worse than Chuck. Chuck only made the mistake of going back to Ashley once; Zacky’s gone back to Gena more times than I would care to count.

“Or maybe it’s love. You don’t just keep getting back with someone that many times and not have something there.”

“Maybe,” I reply, hoping deep inside that it isn’t.

I don’t know why, but I never have liked Gena. Maybe it's because whenever I'd see her she would give me nasty looks and treat me like something disgusting that was stuck on the bottom of her shoe. Or maybe it’s because when I met Zacky he told me about her she had already cheated on him at least five times, and cheating normally puts a person on my bad side.

Of course now I can’t say much seeing as how I’ve cheated on Chuck… But I wasn’t actively seeking out someone… It's not like I threw myself a Zacky screaming, 'Kiss me now'. Besides, those kisses never meant anything.

I wonder if that’s what Gena and Ashley thought when they cheated; that it didn’t mean anything.

“I have something really important to talk to you about,” Chuck says, taking my hands in his and pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Okay, what is it, baby?”

“I love you so much. You know that, right? You mean the world to me.”

I smile. I didn’t realize I mean that much to him. The world? It feels good to know that someone cares for you that much.

“I’ve been planning this for a while now. I was going to ask you later, after we got settled in. But now seems like the perfect time.”

“What have you been thinking about, Chuck?” I ask with a small smile on my lips.

“I love you, I always have, I just have been too stupid to realize it. But when we were in Denver, after Ashley and I broke up again, you were there for me like you always are. And that’s when it hit me, I realized that I love you and that you love me.”

“Took you long enough," I tease. "Now why are you telling me all of this? What is going through that head of yours, Chuckles?”

He shifts himself out of the chair, his hand still holding onto mine, and he gets down on one knee.

My smile slowly begins to fade.

No, he can’t be doing what I think he’s doing... It’s impossible! He’s not this crazy. He’s not insane enough to propose to me just after I’ve given birth to another man’s child...

Is he?

“Angel, I love you more than anything in this world. I was wondering if you would make me the happiest man on Earth. Will you marry me?”

He lets go of my hand, producing a small box from his pocket. He opens the small box, revealing a simple, yet beautiful, diamond ring sitting inside.

I stare at the ring, not knowing what to say.

I know we were going to get married; it was all part of the plan. But I never dreamed that he would propose now.

He has to be joking…

“Angel?” he asks, looking up at me with pleading hazel eyes. “What do you say?”

He’s not joking…
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, another stupid cliffhanger. I'm sure one day I will fall off one of these that I love to write and go spiraling down into the abyss. But I still hope you guys liked it, even if it was a stupid cliffhanger.

As always I want to thank you guys for reading, commenting, and subscribing. This story would be nowhere without you guys! I'll try to update soon!