Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 53: Through

*POV Switch*

I arrive at my house and Gena’s car is nowhere in sight. I let out a frustrated sigh. I swear to God, if she doesn’t show up in the next five minutes I’m going back to the hospital. I should be with Angel and our daughter now, not standing in front of my house waiting for Gena to grace me with her presence.

I sit down on the front steps, staring out into the street and waiting for her to show up. I tap my foot impatiently, wondering when she’s going to arrive.

I glance down at my watch every now and then; counting down the time she has left.

Two minutes…

Four minutes…

Her five minutes are up.

I stand up and dust myself off before I walk back to my car. I grab the handle when Gena pulls up into my driveway. I would just get in my car and drive away, but she’s parked right behind my car.

“Took you long enough,” I mutter under my breath as she walks up to me, a fake smile plastered on her face.

“Hey, baby!” she exclaims, wrapping her arms around me. She obviously didn’t hear me.

“Hey, how was work?” I ask, not returning the hug; but she doesn’t seem to mind.

“What? Oh yeah, really busy. I was relieved when those last appointments cancelled.” She gives me a quick peck. “So how was your day?”

“It was alright,” I reply as I walk her to the door.

I unlock the door and lead her into the living room.

“So that Annie girl had her baby?”

“Her name’s Angel; and yes, she had her baby.” I sigh. “Listen, Gena, about the baby--”

“I’d hate to see what that poor child looks like. Its father isn’t much of a looker and its mom is so homely it’s sad. Is it just me or does that girl really needs to get out into the sun? It’s unnatural to be that pale.”

“The baby is a girl and I think she’s the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen in my life.” I smile at the thought of my baby girl. “She looks just like her mother.”

She gives me a disapproving glare but I shrug it off.

“Except for her eyes, she’s got eyes just like her father.”

She scoffs. “Hazel eyes that are too close together? I’m sorry, Zack, but that makes for an ugly child.”

“See, that’s what I needed to talk to you about… She doesn’t have hazel eyes and they aren’t too close together. She has bright green eyes.”

Her brow furrows. “But I thought you said she has her father’s eyes.”

“She does.”

“But Chuck’s--” And it dawns on her. “Oh… So…When did you two get together?”

I fight the urge to say ‘About nine months ago’, even though it’s the obvious answer.

“It was that night you and I broke up. I went to Johnny’s to drown my sorrows. Angel happened to be there, Chuck had taken back an unfaithful ex and it was tearing her up. She had a few too many drinks and I brought her back here to sober up… And things just sorta happened.”

“It just sorta happened?” she asks, her eyebrow raised.

“Yeah. It just happened…” I hang my head, too afraid to she how she’s going to react.

“It’s okay, Zacky. Everyone makes mistakes,” she murmurs, rubbing my back.

I jerk my head to look at her. Is she serious? She’s being shockingly reasonable about this.

“Besides, you were drunk. You probably thought she looked like a supermodel by the time everything happened.”

My jaw clenches. “Gena, I wasn’t drunk. I knew what I was doing.”

She looks surprised and disgusted. “Oh… Well… You don’t want to be with her anymore, do you?”

I don’t say anything.

“Do you?”

I’m not exactly sure how to answer that.

“You’d really take her over me?” she asks, rising to her feet and waving a hand at her body. She looks downright outraged.

“I never said that, Gena.”

“You never denied it either! God, Zack! What the fuck’s your problem? You have me and you’d rather go to someone like her?”

“And what if I do?”

“Ugh! You’re so fucking frustrating, Zack! And you wonder why I’m always cheating on you! At least Aaron isn’t an idiot like you!” She exclaims, quickly covering her mouth as her eyes grow wide. “I mean--”

I shake my head. I fucking knew it!

“Don’t, Gena,” I quickly interrupt her. I get to my feet and glare at her. “Because I already fucking knew. I’m not that stupid. I’m sick of you saying shit about Angel and I’m tired of you fucking around on me! Now if you don’t mind I think you should leave. I need to be with my daughter right now, not wasting my time with trash like you.”

She stares at me, completely stupefied.

What did you just say to me?” she chokes out.

“Maybe I should have made myself a little clearer… We’re done and I want you out of here! I need to be with my daughter and Angel instead of wasting time with you! Do you understand that?”

She scowls at me, stomping out of the room. The door slams behind her and I hear her car roar to life seconds later.

I walk out of the house, lock up, and get in my car. I start up the engine and music fills my car.

Crushcrushcrush by Paramore pours out of the speakers.

I smile, knowing exactly where I’m supposed to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken so long to update. I had two different versions of this break up. I hope you guys liked the version I decided to go with. Now it may take a while to update with the next chapter simply because I have the crucial Yes/No thing going on. So far a lot of you guys want her to say "No" but I need to see how I like that version of things.

As always thank you guys so much for reading, commenting, and subscribing. You guys are all great and I love you! I'll try to update fairly soon.