Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 58: What Was I Supposed To Say?

*POV Switch*

Why didn’t I stop him? Why didn’t I just pull him back and tell him to stay? I could have done something, anything! But I didn’t…

Why did I just let him walk away?

Because I’m a fucking idiot that’s why…

I should have told Chuck that I don’t want to marry him now…

I should have told Zacky… Something… Anything besides blathering would have been great… And maybe then…

Maybe then I could get rid of this nagging feeling that something’s not quite right. The feeling that tells me I’m making a mistake…

The door creaks open and I look up, hoping to see Zacky walk back into the room to tell me that he should have given me a chance to tell him what’s on my mind.

But of course it’s not him; it’s Val and Myla.

“Hey there, sweetie,” Val greets me.

“Hey, Gelica,” Myla says, using the old nickname she used for me when we were growing up; the nickname that her three year old daughter uses whenever she sees me.

“Hey, guys.”

“We just wanted to congratulate you on the engagement,” Myla states happily.

I know why she’s so happy and chipper about my engagement. I used to joke with her how I was going to die alone, never getting married or starting a family. She obviously sees me having a baby and getting engaged on the same day defeating my whole prophecy.

I give a small smile. “Thanks.”

“Sweetheart, what is it?” Val asks, taking a seat in the chair that just moments ago was occupied by Zacky, Myla takes the other one.

“Zacky and I got into a fight…” I say for lack of better words. “We’ve been doing that a lot, haven’t we?”

“Aw, Angel, it’s okay.” Val wraps her arms around me in a hug.

“What did you guys fight about this time?” Myla asks softly, brushing some hair out of my face once Val releases me.

“He asked me not to marry Chuck…”

“Wow…” Myla breathes.

“That’s Zack for ya,” Val mumbles. “The boy never does know when to say the right thing…”

“Why doesn’t he want you to marry Chuck?”

I quickly debate if I should tell them the reason or not.

I simply shrug my shoulders.

Myla gives me a funny look. “You’re hiding something; I know you are. I can see it in your eyes!”


“Was he being a dick again?” Val asks, remembering how he acted when he found out I kept the fact that he’s the baby’s father from him.

I shake my head. “No, he wasn’t a dick.”

“Did he tell you that you’re too good for Chuck?” Myla asks sounding rather hopeful.


“Well it was worth a shot…” she mumbles and I glare at her. She never has liked Chuck.

“What did Zacky tell you?”

I look up into Val’s hazel-green eyes and then to Myla’s blue ones. Val may not be able to break me down, but Myla knows me better than I know myself half the time.

There’s no point in fighting both of them. It’s futile.

I bite my bottom lip and exhale sharply. “He told me that he loves me.”

“Oh my God!” Myla exclaims.

“Zacky never knows when to say the right thing…” Val mutters softly.

“What did you tell him?”

“What was I supposed to tell him?” I ask, throwing my hands up in the air.

“The truth would have been nice,” Myla suggests.

“Oh, piss off,” I grumble.

“Well she’s got a point. The truth is what he deserves.”

“I know that…”

“So did you tell him the truth?” Myla asks.


“Why not?”

“Because I don’t even really know what the truth is! I just stared at him and babbled like a fucking idiot! How can I tell him the truth when I have no idea how I feel anymore?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought I'd update again for you guys, mainly because I'm going out of town tomorrow and probably won't be able to update. So you guys got two updates today! I hope you liked the chapter.

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