Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 61: Keep Away

*POV Switch*

Chuck grabs my wrist just before we make it to the waiting area.

“Zack, we really need to talk.”

I turn to face him. “What is it?”

“Look, I know you are planning on seeing Angel and Evelyn before they leave here tomorrow, but I don’t think it’s such a good idea.”

I furrow my brow. “What do you mean?”

“Well, Angel’s really worn out; she’s going to need all the rest she can before we fly out to Montreal. We both know that Evelyn isn’t going to help her get much of that.”

“Well then just wait a while before you fly out. I’m sure Myla and Brian wouldn’t mind if you guys stayed with them a couple of weeks. Problem solved.”

He scowls at me. What the hell happened to being nice to me? Was I just imagining that shit or something?

“Listen, I’ve tried to be nice to you but I’m sick of your shit, Baker!”

My eyes grow wide. “You’re sick of my shit?” I chuckle. “And what exactly have I done, Comeau?”

“I know that you like her and that you’re pissed at me because she’s my girl and not yours!”

“Of course I like her, she’s my friend! People tend to like their friends, Chuck. Or is that something new to you?"

“You know what I mean, Baker.”

“You think I’m in love with Angel?” I ask in disbelief. I don’t want him to know just how right he is in his assumption.

“I know that you’re in love with her.”

“Is that so?”

“You were in love with her when you saw her in Denver and you’re in love with her now. Too bad I beat you to her.”

My jaw clenches. “What does this have to do with the ‘shit’ you’ve had to put up with?”

“Fine, I’ve had to put up with you doing all these little things to undermine me--”

“Undermine you?” I ask, almost laughing.

“Yes, you try to undermine me. You try to point out all my weaknesses!"

“Oh, Chuck, I think you show your weaknesses fine on your own.”

He stares daggers at me. “You’re always trying to act like the victim; that I’m the one who starts shit. Angel is always taking your side because you act all innocent, but I can see right through you. I bet you felt really triumphant when she gave the baby your last name,” he snarls.

“I didn’t feel triumphant. I was just as shocked as you that she gave Evie my last name. But she did have a point; I’m Evie’s father and she should have my name.” I shake my head and chuckle. “Jesus, Comeau, you must feel really threatened by me if you’re coming at me like this.”

“I don’t feel threatened. You’re the one who’s jealous that I got the girl!”

“Then why are you trying your damnedest to keep me away from her? Why are you so keen on getting her out of California as soon as possible?”

“Like I said, we need to get settled out home,” he growls.

“Oh, right, you need to get settled. I’m sure that’s the reason. It has nothing to do with the fact you're afraid that I’ll take Angel away from you,” I retort.

I know very well that I have no chance with Angel. She turned me down when I told her how I feel, but Chuck doesn’t have to know that. And right now I just want to get on his fucking nerves.

He shoves me up against the wall, pinning me between the wall and his body.

“Do I look like I’m scared, Zack?”

I smirk. “Like you’re scared out of your fucking mind.”

He glowers, backing away from me. “Don’t come here tomorrow, Zack. I mean it, stay away from her.”

I shake my head and chuckle to myself as I walk away from him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Chuck!” I call out turning around and giving him a smug smile.

He looks like he wants to come charging at me. I hope he does; kicking his sorry ass sounds like a lot of fun.

But he doesn’t.

He simply turns around and goes back into Angel’s room.

That’s what I thought the fucking coward would do. He would never try to fight me because he knows I’d kick his pansy ass.

But it is nice to know that I get under his skin, that he feels threatened by me. Maybe there’s something between me and Angel after all…

I quickly scold myself for thinking that. I know that she loves that dimwitted prick for reasons beyond me; I shouldn’t be giving myself false hope like that.

I say my good-byes to everyone in the waiting area, telling them that I'll see them all later.

"Zacky," Myla calls out.

I turn around to find her, Val, and Bri all running up to me.

"What is it, guys?"

"Why don't you stay around just a little while longer?" Val asks, a pleading look in her eyes. "I'm sure that they'd even let you stay the night if you want."

I shake my head. "I can't do that, Val. It's best if I go home now."

"Why?" Myla asks softly.

"Things between me and Chuck aren't so great. I think Angel can sense the tension and I don't want her to worry. We all know that she needs as much rest as she can get; she won't be getting that if I hang around."

Myla and Val nod their heads.

"Alright then. We'll see you tomorrow, Zack," Val says, gently squeezing my arm before she and Myla leave.

But Bri is still standing there in front of me.

"What is it, man?" I ask, not sure why he hasn't said a single word.

"You don't really want to leave her, do you?"

I sigh. "Of course I don't, Bri. But it's the best thing to do now."

"Has he been talking shit to you?"

"It's nothing I can't handle, Bri."

He nods his head. "Just let me know if you want me to do anything. I'd gladly join you if you decide to kick his ass."

I grin. "You're the best; you know that, Bri?"

He gives me a cocky smile. "I know."

"I'll see you in the morning, alright?"

"Alright. I'll let you know if anything goes down while you're away."


I give him a quick hug before I turn to leave the room.

I make it out to the parking lot and get into my car, taking one last glimpse of the hospital before I head back home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, another chapter. I hope you guys liked it. It's not my best work, but it's what I've got.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! I know this story is frustrating so I really appreciate all of you guys for sticking around!