Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 63: Don't Let Me Down

(Still Angel’s POV)

I didn’t get much sleep during the night.

I couldn’t get my mind off of that dream.

Everything was so vivid, had felt so real. Evie was so happy, playing with Amber on the beach. I was finally able to be closer to Myla, something I’ve wanted to do ever since I had moved to my dad’s but am not able to since I'm always on the road with Simple Plan.

And then there was Zacky.

The way I felt in his arms… It felt so right to be in his arms; to have his lips pressed up against mine and making every care in the world seem to disappear.

And I can’t shake how it felt so right to say those words.

Words that he’s said to me, but I’ve never said in return.

But that’s because I don’t feel the same way. Simple as that.

Sure I care about him and love him as a friend; but anything more than the realm of friendship? I can’t see it…

But if I can’t see it, why did it feel so right to say in that dream?

Everything about that damn dream felt right; like that’s the way things are supposed to be.

But did it mean anything? Or was it simply the delusions of a woman who has just gone through labor and an emotional rollercoaster ride from hell in the last twenty-four hours alone?

I let out a sigh, looking over to find Chuck asleep in a chair next to my bed.

I didn’t realize he had stayed here all night. I had figured that he would have gone to the hotel with the guys.

The poor guy is so drained and worn out, yet he's stuck by my side every step of the way. I'm lucky to have him...

The door opens and a young nurse walks in; I glance at her nametag and see that her name is Nikki.

The sound of her entrance wakes Chuck from his slumber and he lets out a quiet groan.

“Hello, I’m just here to ask you if you’re ready to check out yet,” she informs us.

Chuck slowly nods his head, but I quickly shake mine in disagreement.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, a crease running across her forehead in worry.

“What time is it?” I ask.


“And when do visiting hours start?”

“9:00. I don’t see what this has to do with anything though…”

“I’m expecting someone…” I mumble.

“I told you he isn’t coming,” Chuck replies sourly.

I shoot him a sharp look “I’ll be ready to leave by 9:45 if that’s okay,” I inform her.

She smiles at me. “Of course.”

She quickly exits the room, leaving me and Chuck in another one of our famous awkward silences.

I find it so funny how the person I used to be the most comfortable with in the entire world is now the same man I can’t even sit in a room with without feeling like there’s a heavy tension in the air.

“He’s not going to show up,” Chuck says again.

“He promised me he’d be here. Zacky has never broken a promise to me,” I reply matter-of-factly.

“When has he ever promised you anything?”

I smile at the first one that pops to mind. When he took me to Fort Collins for a burger. He did promise me one and he kept his word.


“A burger,” I reply, my voice distant.

“A burger? You’re basing everything on the fact that he promised you a burger?”

I smirk.

It’s not the only time he’s promised me something.

When we first met he promised that we’d always be friends, no matter what. Sure he was slightly drunk at the time, but he still kept it. At the same time he said he’d kick Chuck’s ass if he ever broke my heart. I’m sure Zacky would keep his word on that one.

And then there was that night, after we slept together, when I made him promise not to hit me…

My smile grows at the thought of that promise. He sure didn’t hit me…

“Is that it?” Chuck asks again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I smile at him again. “Yeah, that’s it. Just a burger.”

He huffs. “I’m sorry, baby, but that’s silly.”

“Well I’m a silly girl,” I reply stiffly.

He sighs. “That you are. But I still love you,” he says, getting up and placing a kiss on my forehead.

“Love you too,” I mumble, gently ruffling his hair.

He smiles at me, and I notice that it doesn’t reach his eyes like it normally does. How long has he been smiling like this?

“I’m going to get something to eat. You want anything?”

“Nah, I’m alright.”

“You sure? Your blood sugar is alright?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.”

He makes a face as if he doubts it, but he doesn’t fight me. He leaves the room and I’m left alone with my thoughts again.

Just me and my thoughts.

I glance at the wall and for the first time I notice the clock placed there.


You’ve got forty-two minutes, Zacky.

Please don't let me down…
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, thought I'd update for you guys since I haven't in a while. Forgive me if it's not my best, it's 1:49 in the morning and I'm kinda sleep deprived. Probably not the best conditions to post under, but oh well. I hope you liked it!

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