Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 64: Time Is Running Out

*POV Switch*

I pull into the parking lot and quickly get out of my car, racing towards the building.

It’s 9:12 and I can only hope and pray that Chuck didn’t pull her out of here already.

“Is Angelica Williams still here?” I ask, trying my best not to sound completely out of breath.

“Yes, she is. Would you like to know what room--”

“I know which one it is. Thanks.”

I hurry down to her room and open the door to see her sitting on her bed, out of her hospital gown and in a pair of jeans and a baggy tee.

She’s she looks up from her beaten down Chucks and up at me. She smiles widely at me, hopping off of the bed and hurrying over to me.

“Zacky!” she exclaims. She wraps her arms tightly around me, nuzzling her head into my chest. “I was so scared you weren’t going to make it!”

“Hey, I told you I’d be here, didn’t I?” I ask her as I gently smooth her hair down.

She looks up at me with those big dark brown eyes and nods.

“Then why were you so worried?”

“Chuck said you weren’t going to show,” she mumbles, burying her head back into my chest.

“Well sometimes Chuck’s a dick.”

She giggles and looks up at me. “Yeah, he is, isn’t he?”

I stare at her, surprised that she agreed with me.

“What?” she chortles, placing her hand on my chest. “He is!”

“I just-- I never thought you’d agree with me.”

“Hard to disagree when you speak the truth.”

“Then why are you marrying him if you know he’s a dick?”

She gives small smile before looking down at her shoes. “Because he loves me.”

I coax her face up so I can look into her eyes. “But I love you too.”

She bites her lip.

“Do you love him?”

She slowly shakes her head. “I love you,” she murmurs.

I smile. “I love you, too,” I whisper to her.

I lean into her, bringing my lips to hers.

She smiles into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer to her. My fingers find their way into her hair as I deepen the kiss.

A bell begins to ring, getting louder with each passing second.

I pull away from her and furrow my brow.

What the hell is that sound?


I groan as my alarm goes off, reaching my arm out blindly and hitting the nightstand a couple times before successfully hitting the ‘Off’ button.

Damn alarm ruins everything, I swear! I was having a pretty nice dream there…

Wait, why the hell did I even have the damn alarm on in the first place? Do I need to be somewhere--


I quickly jump out of bed and glance at the clock.


Visiting hours started at 9:00 and it takes about thirty minutes to get to the hospital from here. I should be able to get there at 9:45 at the latest.

I know that I need to get there as soon as possible. I have a feeling that Chuck must be itching to get her out of there as fast as humanly possible. I figure I’ve got ‘til 10:00.

I quickly get ready; throwing on some jeans, T-shirt, and a hoodie. I hurriedly brush my teeth, and take a quick look in the mirror to make sure my hair doesn’t look like shit. It’s times like these that make me wish that my head was still shaved.

Jesus, I never thought I’d ever say that!

I grab my keys and phone and rush out the door.

I start up my car and steal a glance at the clock. 9:13; not too bad. I pull out of my driveway and head to the hospital.


I tap my hands on the steering wheel impatiently as I glare at the cars in front of me. Of all the times for traffic to be a fucking bitch!


Is this God’s sick joke on me or something?

I need to be at that hospital! Or does the world not seem to understand that?

I turn on the radio and Time Is Running Out by Muse pours through the speakers. I bite down on my bottom lip.

Really, God, do you find this funny? I already know that I’m running out of time! You don’t need to remind me!

Shit, I’m going insane... This damn traffic jam has made me fucking crazy!

I quickly turn off the radio and try to bear the traffic jam in silence.

The cars finally begin to slowly move and I quickly apologize to God for thinking He was out to get me.

I finally get to the parking lot of the hospital and look at the clock one last time.


Alright, I’m here before 10:00. Everything should be fine; there’s no way that he got her out of here already.

I walk up to the front desk and smile at the nurse behind the desk. She gives me a nervous one in return and I wonder if I’m really that intimidating.

“May I help you?” she asks.

I glance at her nametag and see that her name is Nikki.

“Yeah, Nikki, I was wondering if Angelica Williams has left yet.”

“You must have been the person she was waiting on,” Nikki replies, looking rather sad. “I’m sorry, you just missed her. She was released at 9:45.”


“She tried to stay a little longer, but the guy with her told her that they had to leave.”

I nod my head. Of course he did. It doesn't surprise me that the bastard hurried her out the hospital. I'm sure if it were up to him they would have left right at 9:00.

“Yeah. Thanks anyway, Nikki.”

I let out a heavy as I turn around and head back to the parking lot.

I pull out my phone and find Val’s number.


“Hey, Val,” I sigh sadly.

“What wrong, Zack?”

“I just missed Angel at the hospital and I feel like shit. I promised her that I’d be here before she left. And I would have if traffic wasn’t such a bitch today.”

“Well don’t worry; I’m sure she’ll understand. Just come by mine and Matt's place later; we planned a surprise going away/late baby shower type thing for Angel. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you there.”

“Yeah, hopefully. When is it?”

“It’s going to start around noon.”

“Alright. I’ll see you then. I might even be early, help set up or whatever."

“Okay, Zack. And hon, don’t beat yourself up about this. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

“Yeah… Thanks, Val.”

“No problem, hon. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, see you then.”

I hang up the phone and stare at it for a moment.

I can’t believe I missed her by three fucking minutes.

I can’t believe I broke my promise…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I finally updated! Yay! I hope you guys liked this chapter. And if you hated it... Please don't hate me. It had to be this way!

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! You guys are freakin' awesome for sticking with this story for so long!