Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 67: Change

*POV Switch*

A loud thump comes from the hallway and we all look at each other, exchanging confused looks.

“What the hell was that!?” Jimmy exclaims.

“And where the fuck are Zack and Chuck?” Matt asks.

Oh shit…

I look at Myla with a worried expression as everyone else rushes to see what the commotion is.

“You go see what’s going on; I’ll watch Evie,” she tells me


I hurry past everyone, briefly taking in the looks of shock on Val, Michelle, Lacey, and Leana’s faces.

My eyes grow wide in shock. Zacky and Chuck exchanging blows; though the fight looks rather one sided, Zacky looks like he’s barely been touched.

I watch on in horror as Zacky punches Chuck’s face; his eyes filled with raw anger and hatred. He looks nothing like the sweet Zacky I know; If I didn’t know better then I would doubt that it’s him.

Matt and Bri rush past me, towards Zacky and Chuck. Bri restrains Zacky while Matt takes Chuck.

“Don’t ever say shit like that ever again!” Zacky growls as Bri pries him away from Chuck.

“God! I think you fucking broke my nose!” Chuck shouts back, bringing his hand up to his bleeding nose.

“Good, you fucking deserve it, bastard!” Zacky lunges towards him again, but Bri stops him.

He takes Zacky aside and it looks like he’s telling him something, trying to calm him down.

Zacky’s eyes quickly lock onto mine. I can see all the anger flee from them, replaced with regret and guilt.

I quickly look away from him, tears streaming down my face. I wipe them away, not wanting anyone to notice.

I walk over to Chuck and Matt, looking at the damage that Zacky had done to his face. A split lip, what looks like the beginnings of a nice shiner, and blood is gushing from his nose.

I shake my head as I look over at Zacky.

He looks back at me with those sad green eyes and I feel my heart break. I just want to run over to him and take him in my arms, run my fingers through his short messy black hair and make sure he’s okay.

God, how can he make me feel like this, feel so sorry for him, even when he’s done something so fucking terrible? I shouldn’t be wanting to see if he’s okay; I should be worried about Chuck!

“Val, will you get me something to clean Chuck up?” I ask, my voice shaky.


I watch as she rushes into the bathroom not too far away. She emerges moments later and hands me a damp cloth to wipe the blood off.


I begin to clean up his face.

“I think your nose is fine,” I mumble as I get the last of the blood off of his face.

“The jerk broke it,” Chuck grumbles.

“There’s no swelling and your nose has stopped bleeding. And…” I touch his nose and he doesn’t flinch. “I don’t feel any grating when I rub it. Besides, it doesn’t even look crooked. I’m pretty sure it’s fine.”

“He could have broken it…”

I look over at Zacky and quickly look away.

I’m not going to feel bad for him… I’m not.

“I’m going to go check on Evie…” I mumble as I turn to walk away. “Make sure Zacky’s okay,” I whisper to Val.

She simply nods her head and I walk back into the living room. I sit back down on the couch and look down at Evie, sound asleep.

“Zacky and Chuck have a fight?” Myla asks.

I let out a heavy breath. “Yeah…”

“Is Chuck okay?”

“Yeah, he’s fine. Just being a bit of a drama queen, but he’ll be okay. He’ll probably just take even longer than usual in the morning because he’ll be putting on my make up to hide the black eye.”

“Oh, he can’t use your make up; you’re too pale. Now if Zacky had the black eye then I could see your make up being used.”

I give a small laugh. “If it were Zacky he’d wear that shiner proudly.”

“He would; wouldn’t he?”

“Yep, because that’s Zacky for ya.”

I smile thinking of Zacky and how proud he’s been in the past of his battle wounds.

I quickly scold myself. I’m supposed to be mad at him for beating the shit out of my fiancé, not smiling at how cute he can be! Gosh, what’s wrong with me?

Everyone comes back into the room and sits down. Zacky and Chuck are seated as far away from each other as possible, Matt and Bri close to each one in case someone decides to go at it again. But I doubt anything will happen.


That’s what the whole room is; completely covered in silence.

I look down at Evie and she begins to stir in her sleep. I watch her until she starts to cry, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the room. I take her into my arms and look up at Zacky, his lips are drawn in a hard line.

I get up and walk over to him.

“Here, you need to spend some time with her. You guys aren’t going to be seeing each other for a while.”

He nods and I pass her off to him.

I can’t help but smile as he looks down at her, a small smile playing on his full lips.

“Oh, we need to get that stuff for dinner ready,” Val says.

Everyone turns to look at her.

“What? Are we going to let a little fight ruin dinner? I don’t think so! Come on, guys, I need all the help I can get.”

“But you always tell me too many--”

“Not this time, Matt,” she cuts him off.

Everyone goes off to the kitchen, leaving me and Zacky alone with Evie.

Even with them all in the kitchen I can feel their eyes on us, but I try to ignore them.

I look up at Zacky’s face and am glad to see that there wasn’t much damage done to him at all. No black eyes, no bruises at all, his lip just looks like it was cut but it’s nothing major. If I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t even think that he’d just been in a fight.

“Good to see you’re okay,” I murmur, bringing my gaze down to our daughter.

“I’m really sorry you had to see that,” he replies. “It’s just… I lost it.”

I nod. “Yeah… Just try not to beat the shit out of my fiancé again, okay? It’s going to be hell in the morning now because he’ll want to cover up the damage.”

He chuckles. “Alright, I think I can manage that.”

I smile up at Zacky and he grins back at me.

It’s impossible for me to be mad at him; simply impossible.


We all get ready to go after dinner. Myla, Chuck, and Brian all carry the stuff out to the car while I say my goodbyes and thank yous to everyone, giving extra long hugs to the girls while the guys just tell me that they’ll see me on the road. I can see that they’re already planning on stopping by Montreal on the next tour.

Everyone says their goodbyes to Evie, though she has no idea what is going on. It’s funny how they all love her; but I don’t blame them, I’m quite fond of her too.

Zacky has her in his arms and gives her a kiss before he helps me get her situated in her carrier. Chuck comes by and gives Zacky an icy glare.

“You about ready to go, babe?” he asks, picking up Evie.

“Yeah, I just need to talk to Val real fast and I’ll be right out,” I reply.

He gives me a kiss. “Alright, I’ll see you out there in a few.”


I walk over to Val, giving her another hug and tell her thanks for everything. She just smiles and says that it was nothing.

I’m about to leave when I feel someone grab my wrist. I turn to meet a pair of brilliant green eyes.


“What is it, Zacky?” I ask him, stepping away from the door.

He looks around and leads me away from everyone else.

He hugs me tightly and I take a deep breath; cigarettes and cologne, simply the best scent in the world. I hold onto him tightly, wishing the hug will never end.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” he murmurs as he pulls away from me.

I look up into his eyes as he brushes hair out of my face.

“Do you really have to go?”

“You know I do. Chuck’s life is in Montreal; Evie and I are a big part of his life now.”

He nods.

“But you can always visit. You know that, right?”

He shakes his head. “I doubt Chuck will want me over.”

“Well then he’ll just have to suck it up. Evie needs to see her daddy.”

He gives a sad smile. “I’m going to miss out on so much.”

I bite my lip, realizing just how right he is.

“I don’t know who I’m going to miss more though… You or her.”

I give a small laugh as I look down at my feet. “I think it’s pretty obvious that the winner of that one’s Evie.”

“I don’t know. You’re a strong contender,” he replies, coaxing my face up to look at him.

Those piercing green eyes gaze down at me and I feel my heart begin to accelerate. My breathing soon becomes quick and shallow.

He leans in and his soft, full lips meet mine, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulls me closer.

It takes all my willpower and strength not to kiss him back.

He pulls away and looks down at me, taking my hand in his while the other one runs through my hair.

“I love you, Angel. I love you so much.”

I bite my lip. “I’m sorry, Zacky… I can’t…”

He nods his head and lets go of my hand.

“I can’t say that I didn’t try…” he mumbles.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You can’t change the way you feel.”

I take his hand in mine. “I’ll call you when we get there, okay?”

He simply nods his head.

“Bye, Zacky.”

“Bye, Angel.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, guys, one more chapter and this baby's done! I know, kinda scary. But don't worry, there's gonna be a sequel for you guys to read. I hope you guys liked the update! I'll post the last chapter later today because it's Zacky's birthday and it was my goal to have this done on his birthday. Yes, I know, I'm weird.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! You guys are so awesome!