Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 7: I'm Okay, I Promise

*POV Switch*

“Zack, are you alright?” Matt asks me once we get backstage.

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“You just seemed distracted tonight and to be honest you’ve been like this for a while. I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.”

“I’m fine, Matt. Why wouldn’t I be fine?”

“It’s just that ever since you split with Gena and never got back with her I’ve been wondering if you’re okay.”

“Just because I’m not with Gena you think there’s something wrong with me?”

“No, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I just meant, ever since you guys split for good you’ve seemed a bit distracted. Has something been bothering you?”

“Matt, I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong.”

“Alright, well you know that if you ever need to talk, me and the guys are here for you.”

“I know.”

We get our gear together and head for the bus. We all sign a few CDs and take some pictures with fans before loading onto the bus. I lie down in my bunk and pull my phone out of my pocket. I flip it open and see that I have no missed calls. I don’t know why I was expecting her to call, we went two months without talking to each other before last month and now I suddenly want to hear from her all the time.

I hear a tap on the wall and look up to see Jimmy with two beers in hand.

“You want one?” He offers the second bottle to me.

“What kind of dumb question is that? Of course I want one.” I take the bottle from him and take a drink. “Thanks.”

“So, the guys and I were thinking that we need to get you out somewhere.”


“You’ve been a bit down in the dumps since the split. We figured you need to get out there and meet some new girls. You know, the ones with the big tits and know how to put a smile on your face.”

“It’s nice of you guys to think of me, but I don’t really feel like going out hitting on random chicks.”

“Now where is the Zack that loves to flirt and mess around with the ladies?”

“He’s taking a hiatus,” I reply, taking another drink.

“Then he’s a crazy man.” Great, now I’ve got Jimmy calling me crazy. He sits down on the edge of my bunk and takes my phone. “Let me know when he comes back, he’s a hell of a lot of fun.”

“Hey! Give that back!” I exclaim, not giving much effort to get the phone from his grasp.

“I just want to look at your pictures. I’ll give it right back.” He browses through my photos and makes a face. “When did you take this one?”

I sit up and look at the picture. “Oh, that… I took it about a month ago.”

“You saw Angel a month ago and didn’t tell me?”

“I brought it up to Brian; I figured he would have told everyone else.”

“Well you figured wrong. Did she know you were taking this?”

“I don’t think so. You know how she is; she hates having her picture taken. She thought she saw Gena behind me and was making sure if it was really her or not. I took the opportunity to take a picture of her.”

“That explains the far off look in her eyes.” He exits out of my pictures and hands the phone back to me. “Interesting pictures you have there, Zack.”

“Thanks,” I mumble, holding onto the phone tightly in case he decides to take it from me again.

Jimmy disappears from the bunk area, leaving me all alone in my bed. I open the phone back up and see that he changed my wallpaper from a picture of Ichabod to the one I snapped of Angel at the bar. I smile; it wouldn’t hurt to leave it there for a while.
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This was kind of a filler chapter. And I'm really sorry for the cliff hanger type ending to that last chapter. But it's keeping you guys in suspense, right? I should be posting more fairly soon and you should get your answer in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading! More thanks to those who subscribe and comment! I'll be posting more soon.