
Chapter 18

Gerard raced across the city. He knew roughly where Toro lived. Frank took another puff on the cigarette Gerard had given him. The familiar smell of malboro was pleasant to him. He didn't really like smoking them however, it just calmed his nerves. Gerard took the final puff on his and put the end out the window. He cleared his throat and then continued to floor the car in the direction of Ray's place. Frank stared at Gerard. He almost looked like he had usually done before, in the past. Frank looked carefully. Gerard's eyes were wide. Frank decided he looked high.
"Gerard, are you okay?" Frank broke the silence that had been apparent since the beginning of the journey.
"Yeah, i'm good, are you okay?" Gerard took his eyes from the road to peer at Frank.
"Yeah, i'm okay darling." Frank placed his hand on Gerard's thigh. He knew Gerard wasn't okay. But they could deal with that once they had got away from this place. They pulled up to the street where Toro lived.
"Which number is it?" Gerard looked to Frank for the answer.

The pair parked up and made their way up the pathway to the door. Frank stood at the door as he had done before. Ray answered.

"No WAY!!!!" Ray screeched at the sight of Gerard.
"Hi there!" Gerard smiled as the two hugged. "How's it going?"
"I haven't seen you in like forever dude!" Ray welcomed them in after hugging Frank as well.
"What brings you here, you with Frank?"
Gerard and Frank looked at each other, Ray didn't need to know they were 'together' together.
"We're good friends, Gerard's gunna help me. With baby."
"And what does that mean?" Ray had obviously seen the news.
"I know its getting out of hand Toro, but we wanna get away." Frank spoke.
"What do you mean? We?"
"Were gunna take Kally and get away." Frank continued.
"Where?" Ray blinked a little. He seemed to do that a lot when he spoke. His afro was massive today and he was dressed in a grey t-shirt and jeans.
Frank and Gerard stood, without an answer.
"Come in, come in." Ray took them through to the front room. "Amanda's just bathing Kally. They'll be through in a minute." Ray said, once Frank and Gerard were seated. "Coffee?"
They both replied yes. Ray disappeared to make coffee. Gerard turned to Frank.
"Is Ray to know we're an item?" He whispered.
"I'm not sure" Frank answered. "There's enough to deal with. Without that as well."
Gerard nodded. Frank was right. The GHB Bert had given him was really working. He had a few drops before they left his house. Gerard knew it wouldn't last long. And that Frank would be upset if he knew, but he needed it. Ray returned with the coffee.
"So tell me what's going on here. I wanna know everything." Ray sat down and looked to the couple.
Gerard looked at Frank, and Frank looked back.
"Why are you here, together, wanting to go off with the baby? The police are looking for you Frank." Ray continued.
"Me and Frank are close now. Well..."
"Oh, I see." Ray looked shocked as he worked out what Gerard was trying to say.
"You can't just run away you know." Ray continued.
"Ray, its my only choice. There gunna lock me up if they catch up with me." Frank spoke, Ray knew it was true.
"We'll where you gunna go?"
"Europe, maybe. England." Gerard looked as if he'd planned it out. Frank and Ray looked at him in surprise.
"And how we gunna get there?" Frank exclaimed.
"You can't fly."
"Ferries." Gerard replied. "We'll drive on, take the car and that."
"And how's Frank gunna get on?"
"Good point dude."

"Hey everyone!" Amanda came into the room, in her arms, a chubby, freshy bathed baby. Baby Kally. Frank jumped up.
"Hey Babe!" Frank whipped the baby from her arms and held her close.
"Jesus Frank!" Gerard rose up, not taking his eyes from the baby. "She is beautiful!"