
Chapter 3

The next morning Frank was awoken, his eyes sticky and puffed, from crying in his sleep. The house had an unsettling silence about it.

"The bitch!" Frank leapt up knowing exactly what had happened. He pictured Jenny, her long flowing brown hair, green eyes and large mouth. She repulsed him in every way. He stormed out of the living room to the back room. Reaching the bottom of the stairs he bellowed "JENNY!" But there was no answer. She'd left again, and taken Kally with her. "BITCH!!" Frankie was fuming, who the hell did she think she was, how dare she just leave with his child. He paced to the front of the house again, back into the living room. He looked out the front window once more, she'd taken the car as well. Frank was beside himself, what if she wasn't coming back? Should he ring the police? Would they take him seriously? She'd done this before, about 6 months ago. He'd ended up in the emergency room at hospital. The time he met that special someone.
Frank paced up and down again, biting his lip, which was pierced, making the ring tug a little with each nibble. What to do?
He looked out the window again, to see if they'd returned, but they hadn't. Rushing back to the stair case he climbed the steps, running his fingers through his long fringe, trying to compose himself. He reached the top and entered the bedroom, Kally's baby bag was gone, but her clothes still remained in the wardrobe, as did Jenny's. This bought relief to Frankie. But he still felt somewhat uneasy. He picked up one of the small pink dresses from the shelf inside. Its body was covered in a small picture of a white flower and the arms were laced with frills. He pulled it up to his face, breathing in the soft scent of baby powder. Where was his baby?
He needed to find out, they could be miles away, but it would make him feel better to go out and look. He ran back down the stairs, towards the front door. Grabbing his coat and slipping it on his body, he pulled the key from the parker and made his way out. After locking the door, the turned and made his way down the path, twizzeling the key round his finger. He picked up the pace, the key flew from the end on his finger, landing loudly on the concrete. "Shit!"
Frank ground to halt momentarily. Bending to pick up the key, he felt his neck and arm hurt almost at the same time. He really was in a bad way this time.

The screeching of tyres sounded. A green flash infront of Frank's eyes. Then the concrete. Then black.

Jenny had returned, and had pulled into the drive at an alarming speed. With Frank bent down behind the fencing, she hadn't seen him. Now he lay on the concrete, face down, as a massize bump developed on his forhead and his nose begins to trickle. She'd run him over and he was knocked out for sure.

Franks eyes flickered and his head throbbed. The brightness was painful on his retina as he tried to adjust to the overhead beam of man made light.
"Where am I?" He said, rubbing his head, shocked at the bump which hadn't been there before.
"Oh Frankie, my baby." Suddenly there was a mass of brown curls and tight gripping arms. "This will never happen again, i promiss." It was jenny, she was grovelling, as she always did.
"Wheres Kally?" Frank was done with hearing her speak already.
"Im so sorry, im so sorry baby." she stood back and held her hands in prayer position.
"Wheres Kally!?" Frank began to get irritated at her cheek. He just wanted her to get the fuck away from him, and not come back, leaving the baby with him and getting the hell away from them both.
"She with my mum, shes okay, im sorry Frankie!" He didnt want to listen to her endless pleads, her empty promisses and pathetic words of so called remorse. She didn't mean a word of it. She was a cold, heartless bitch, just playing upto the hospital staff.
"Where am I, i mean.... which hospital?" Frank knew it would be a different one to last time, and the time before this, and the time before that. He didnt even listen after that, he just blocked her out, her fake tears has fooled him before, but not this time.

Sitting upright, he looked around. The window was in the far corner. Which floor am I on? He thought as he made his way over. He needed to get away from here. There was nothing they could do for a bump on his head. Theres only one person that could fix Frank. Reaching the window he saw he was only on the second floor. He could probably make it out without being stopped if he ran like hell. But then again he'd tried that last time, and got rugby tackled. He looked down at himself, still fully clothed. Spotting his jacket hung on the end of the bed he figured he didn't need it, and decided to make an escape.
"I need to piss." Frank grunted over the top of Jenny's still whinning voice. Making his way to the small bathroom he locked himself inside and glanced at the small frosted window. Pushing it open as far as it would go, he poked his head out, noticing the small balcony below, blocking the fall from the window to the ground. Without even thinking, Frank was already climbing up, squeezing out the tiny opening.

"Holy shit!!" He gasped as he was just about to drop. Soon he was legging it away from that damn hospital, even though he'd twisted his ankle a little on landing, he was happy to be running away.