Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

She's Gone

“So what’s with your dad” he asked again.
“Don’t worry” I answered.
“I want to know” he whined
“I don’t know my dad!” I yelled.
“Why?” he had to keep going didn’t he?
“Don’t worry Adam” he was starting to annoy me.
“Tell me” he whined again. I balled my fist up.
“NO” I yelled
“Get William to tell you!” I yelled and stormed up the stairs and into Sam’s room. I sat down on the bed and leaned my head on my knees and cried. Maybe if I knew my dad, if she knew who it was, if he was here. I wouldn’t be like this. I wouldn’t be beat every day. Maybe I’d have a normal life. There was a soft knock at the door. I didn’t answer,
“Can I come in?” Sisky’s voice called. I didn’t answer, the door opened and he came and sat next to me, “I’m sorry if I had of known I wouldn’t have asked.” He put his arm around me.
“I wish I knew him” I sobbed.
“Would they be able to track him maybe?” He asked. I shook me head. “All it would take is a DNA test”
“But they cost money, money I don’t have” I wiped my eyes.
“I’m sorry for being so nosey”
“It’s ok I shouldn’t have over reacted.” I said letting my legs slip from my gasp.
“I have a question, are you and Bill together?” I blushed and nodded. “I knew it!” He yelled, “Aww damn!”

He got up and left the room; I went and fixed my make up then walked down stairs.
“Lunch is ready” Will’s mom said, I walked in and looked at the food on the table, Sisky dug into it straight away. I ate slowly; I didn’t really feel like eating. Once I finished I walked into the lounge room and saw a taxi pull up out side next door. Jenna got in it. I waited until it was out of sight.
“William!” I yelled, he walked up and hugged me. I frowned,
“What is it?”
“She’s gone” I said “Help me get my stuff”
“One second we’ll get every one to help” he came out with them all and we went over, I looked around the house for her stash of money while they took my suit cases back to the house. When I found it I counted how much was left. 1…2…3, $3000 was left. I took out 2000 and put the rest back, making sure that it looked like it hadn’t been touched. I walked in the room and grabbed the clothes off the floor and shoved them into the last suit case and took it back, I walked in and showed William the money I took. He smiled,
“Keep that safe and out of Sisky’s sight” he laughed, “Oh mom is going to set your room up today” he said, “We can paint something in there if you want” I shook my head.
“Nah” I took the suitcase up stairs and started unpacking it.
“Dude I’m going home” Sisky said to will who was sorting clothes.
“Yeah. See ya”

We unpacked for a while.
“Where am I going to sleep?” I asked looking around the empty room.
“There will be a bed in here later. We just need to put it together; mom took it down because she thought we didn’t need it.”
“Oh” I walked back down stairs and watched TV. The taxi came back, and Jenna got out of the car, with her was a black haired guy. He was tall and had longish hair. I called William over silently. And pointed, I looked back and he was kissing her. I closed my eyes. I knew she’d go back to being a prostitute. William covered his eyes in horror.
“YUCK” he yelled hiding his face in my shoulder. I laughed, “Is she going back to being a hooker?” he asked, I laughed again.
“Yeah, I didn’t think anyone would have her though” he looked up at me and laughed.
“You are so mean”
“I’m aloud to be” he went to tickle me but I fell over. He climbed on top of me; I wriggled around giggling even before his hands had touched me. Mike walked in and covered his eyes.
“Get a room” he said walking towards me and William.
“I’m only tickling her dumbass”
Mike laughed, “Can I help!” he ran over and started tickling my sides. My phone started vibrating in my pocket.

”STOP IT, my phone is going off” I yelled. Mike stopped and looked at me. And Will remained on my stomach. I pulled it out and looked at it. Two new text messages. One from Jenna and one from my old boyfriend.

Hey babe, how’s LA? Found anyone u lyk? Laughed at the text, William rolled over so he could read it. I looked at his and he had a frown on his face,

Its fuked, well I’ll give u a guess. Da guy next 2 me is frowning at da txt u just sent me Lol hru? Oh I run away from home, tho I’m living nxt door she don’t knw dat :)

William looked at me and smiled, pecked my cheek and got up.

Good for you. COOL YOUR FINALLY FREE! I laughed and didn’t text back. Time to look at Jenna’s text
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ok so this is just a filler. hope you enjoyed it even though it sucks