Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

Ask Her William

I opened the text. I closed my eyes while it opened.

You better get your fucking ass back here now! If you don’t I will hunt you down and kill you

My eyes widened maybe if I told her I stole her money and am on a plane to Australia she’ll leave looking for me but I’d have to Wait a couple of days. I ran over and jumped on William’s lap.
“William I have a plan” I said jumping around in his lap.
“Calm down Annabelle” Andy said looking at me weirdly.
“What is it?”
“We tell her I’ve moved to Australia, tell her I took her money she’ll try hunt me down.” I smiled.
“Sounds like a plan” he smiled back. I pushed him playfully.
“Dude we’re going” Andy said getting up, mike got up and followed,
“See you man” he said leaving the house. I pecked his cheek and got up.
“Hey, um I don’t know your name” I said to his mom trying not to be rude.
“Oh, it’s Rene”
“Cool, Rene can you help us put the bed up?” she nodded
“William can you grab the bed peaces please?” she called to him, he disappeared out side when he came back he was dragging a bed head I took it off him and Rene helped me carry it up the stairs. He brought a tone of wood up the disappeared again.

*1 hour later*
We’d put the bed together and now we were sitting in the lounge room watching some random show. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 5:30pm. I rubbed my eyes. And yawned I laid my head don on William’s lap and fell asleep.

*William’s p.o.v*
Annabelle laid her head down on my legs. When she fell asleep I picked up a peace of her black hair and played with it. Twirling it around in my fingers. There was another loud bang of the door. Fuck. I picked Annabelle up and took her upstairs and laid her down on my bed. If I head of taken her into hers Jenna would have seen her, and we don’t want that. I walked back down stairs and opened the door.
“Hello Miss Thorn”
“Heard any more news of my fucked up daughter?”
“She is not fucked up and no I haven’t”
“Trust you to sick up for the little slut.” I wanted to hit her but I wasn’t going to. “I’m Going I have things to do, buy sluts boyfriend” she waved to me and I shut the door. Can’t we go to the police? There has to be something they can do. This can’t be legal, do you think they’d make us move if that was the case? As long as it was still inside LA I’m ok. I walked not the kitchen I could smell mom cooking. She was cooking chicken tonight.
“Mom?” I asked
“Yeah honey?”
“What do you think about going to the police about this? I mean it can’t be legal can it? You’ve seen her bruises. Then she can be put in jail never to return” I asked trying to make sense with what I was trying to say. She nodded in agreement
“It would be good if you guys did but she has to want to do it first, if she doesn’t want to you can’t force her into it.” She explained.
“But she isn’t going to tell them she is going to want to hide out here until her mom moves again.” She looked up at me sympathetically “Mom”
“Ask her William” she warned. I nodded and turned around to find Annabelle.
“How long have you been there?” I asked, scared she was going to be angry with me. She hung her head trying to hide the tears that were falling from her green eyes.
“Anna I’m sorry if I upset you”
“It wasn’t exactly you, more what you said, and it isn’t because I’m angry it’s because I’m happy you care so much.” I walked over to her and hugged her as she cried into my chest.

“Will you please?” I asked knowing she’d heard the whole conversation between me and my mom. She nodded,
“Just not today please?”
“Ok, Tomorrow?” I asked I knew I was pushing my luck but it was worth a try.
“Fine but early” she said wiping the tears from her now puffy red eyes. Mom walked over to her with a glass of water she lead her into the lounge room and sat her down.
“Honey, Are you sure you are up to it?” she asked Anna giving her the glass of water. She nodded drinking it.
“I’m fine, I’m only going early because she never wakes up until 12-ish” she said to Mom “I don’t want her to catch me or she’ll, she’ll kill me” she said struggling to find the right words to say to Rene.
“It’s ok we will go early, we’ll make a statement and then we will come back here and wait. Okay?” I reassured her. She smiled at me and nodded.
“Well dinner has going to burn so I’m going back to the kitchen to leave you two alone” Anna giggled when I frowned at mom. I went upstairs to play guitar hoping Anna would follow, and she did.
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ok an update, I'd love to hear how i'm going. love it or hate it, it ups it's downs anything you want to mention about anything. I'd love to hear it

A big thanks to FanFicFanatic94 for all her awesome comments on this story