Dream Of Demons While You Sleep


I laughed and covered my eyes making sure there were no holes in my fingers I could see threw.
“I’m sorry” I said, after that I heard the door close. I took one hand away from my eyes. William was going threw the wardrobe I covered my eyes back up. Then dug my head into the blankets breathing heavily as my heart rate went up.
“You can look now” William said sitting next to me. I looked up and continued to watch the movie. Before I knew it William had fallen asleep. I giggled and got up; I turned the movie off and walked into my room, and changed into a singlet and shorts. I got in the blankets and went to sleep almost instantly.

I woke up when cold arms wrapped around my waist. I turned over to see William, he was still asleep I cocked an eyebrow and shook him a little he groaned and fell out of the bed flat onto the carpet floor. I laughed and turned the lamp on the bed side table on. He woke up and covered his eyes because of the light that was now filling the dark room.
“What the… why am I on the floor?”
“Why are you I my room?”
He laughed “I must have been sleep walking because I don’t remember coming in.” I shook my head. He got off the floor and crawled back into my bed. I moved over more I wasn’t taking up the whole bed.
“I can sleep here right?” he asked, just making sure that he was.
“Yeah why wouldn’t you be able to, it’s not like you haven’t slept in the same bed as me before.” I teased. He cuddled up next to me and I fell asleep again.

I woke up at 10:00 I rubbed my eyes and slid out from under William’s arms.
“Morning” I said as I sat down next to Sam on the couch. She smiled at me
“How’d you sleep?”
“Yeah okay” I replied closing my eyes for a brief second. I heard the stairs creek. I turned to see his mom walking down her hair everywhere. I turned back to the TV, William walked down the stairs fully dressed and looking like he was ready to go somewhere.
“Anna, go get ready we need to go, please be quick” I remembered what I had to do today. Ugh I hate police they annoy me, they ask too many questions want to see to many things. I ran up the stairs and pulled on a tee shirt and jeans. Fixed my hair and ran down stairs, William was ready at the door waiting for me.
“Bye” I called as we left the house. His mom drove us into the station.

“We need to report a child abuse” William said to the constable that was behind the desk.
“Ok someone will be with you shortly.” He said walking away. I sat down in one of the chairs. Another officer came out, this one was female. She was tall and had her hair pulled up in a bun. I rolled my eyes.
“You reporting the child abuse?” she asked us both. I looked at William and nodded. “Follow me please” I stood up and followed her gripping to William’s hand. Not wanting to ever let go. She took me into a room. It was gray and had I single table and chairs around it. She sat in one.
“Take a seat” she said pointing to the chairs, she pulled out a note pad. I sat down “So which of you is being abused?” she asked. William softly kicked me when I didn’t talk.
“Me” I said rubbing my leg with my hand.
“Ok, what’s your name?”
“Annabelle Maria Thorn”
“Eighteen in three days”
“Who gave the abuse?”
“My mother”
“Her name?”
“Jenna Vivian Thorn”
“Ok. Do you have any marks, scares so on?” I nodded; I rolled up the sleeve of my hoodie. Reviling the yellowish bruises, I stood up and showed her the bruise on my stomach. And then the ones on my legs. She counted them as they were shown to her. She made me tell her how she’d done them and her reasons. She made me give her the address of her home and then when the best time to go talk to her would be.
“Thank you for your report we’ll get back to you soon.” She smiled at me sympathetically. I nodded and got up. Rene was waiting in the waiting area for us. She hugged me when I got to her. I cried a little and she took us home.

When we got home I went straight upstairs and laid on my bed, I let the tears I’d been holding back fall. It had been about an hour and no one had come up to check on me, I heard police sirens; I crawled off the bed and to the window. They pulled up next door. And rushed into the house, soon an ambulance pulled up too. They brought Jenna out, cuffed. I cocked an eyebrow and saw Rene and Sam walk outside. William came up behind me and hugged me. The paramedics rushed inside, I looked around at William.
“Do you know what's happening?” I asked scared.
“No, we’ll have to see.” He replied as the paramedics rushed out with a man covered in blood on a stretcher. My eyes widened and I had to turn away. I couldn’t look, I pushed my face into William’s chest praying that what I’d seen was just a dream.
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O.O Is it a dream? Do you think Annabelle did the right thing by giving a statement to the police?

a big thank you to every one who has commented this so far :)