Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

Is William Coming?

*Annabelle’s P.O.V*
“Wake up Anna” Rene said shaking me awake
“Why” I groaned rubbing my eyes.
“We have to make you an appointment” she answered.
“Yeah so get out of bed and get dressed” she laughed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes again, I looked at the time then at Rene.
“Is William coming?” I questioned. She shook her head. “Why?” I whined. Lately I’ve been doing everything with William, why can’t I do this with him to?

“He has school” she told me, I pouted and frowned at her “After the appointment we are going to enroll you” my mouth fell open, not school! I hate school! I always get picked of my make up, or my clothes. I groaned and fell back onto the bed.
“Not School” I muttered
“It will be okay, you’ll find friends” Rene assured me as she walked out. I got out of bed and trudged over to my mirror, my eyeliner was stuffed and my hair was everywhere. I sat on the floor and ran my brush threw my hair fixing it a little. After that I went into the bathroom and fixed my make up. Then walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Rene was making her morning coffee and William was sitting that the table eating toast. I was guessing Sam was in her room on the computer. I walked over to William and kissed his lips lightly before sitting next to him
“So your coming to school now?” William asked smiling.
“Yeah” I nodded, god I truly hate school.
“Want the rest of my toast?” he asked pushing it in front of me. “Mom I’m off bye” I waved at him he hugged me and left the house.

“Are you hungry dear?” Rene asked
“No, I’ve got William’s” I said taking a bite of it and walking to the fridge,
“Okay” I opened the fridge and got the orange juice out, I poured my self a drink and put the carton back in the fridge. Sam walked in
“Hey that’s MY orange juice!” she whined in a high pitched voice
“Well can I have some of your orange juice?” I asked politely.
“Aww why?”
“Because it’s my orange juice”
“And your point is?” I laughed
“Samantha let the pour girl drink her drink” Rene said
“Damn, fine have the orange juice” she pouted. I laughed at her, and then hugged her. I grabbed the orange juice and walked back over to the table. “Mom I’m going to school” she kissed Rene’s cheek and left. I smiled at Rene. And went back to drinking the orange juice.

Rene took a sip of her coffee.
“It’s Sam’s birthday soon, she has been asking me for a puppy, can you help me pick one?” she asked. I looked at her, had no one remembered that it is my birthday? I nodded at her. Maybe they are just playing mind games with me.
“Well we will go get a dog then take you to the doctor” she smiled and dragged me out to the car with her. We made our way to the pet shop in silence. When we got there all I could do was aww, they were all so cute. I roamed the store until I came across, Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.
“What about this one I said pointing to a dark red Malamute, parts of its face were white, it was adorable.
“Okay, now you just have to pick another one.” Rene smiled; I cocked an eye brow at her she smiled at me again. “You’ll see” I looked around some more until I spotted a black Labrador. I pointed to it and smiled. Rene nodded and told the sales person that we would be back later.

“Is Sam getting to dogs?” I asked Rene. She shook her head. We crossed the road to go to the doctors.
“Hello I’d like to see a doctor about a DNA test please” Rene told the receptionist
“What is her name?”
“I’m Annabelle” I answered for Rene.
“Last name?”
“Thank you a doctor will be with you shortly” she smiled at me; I rolled my eyes and sat down in the seat. They called out a few more names before mine was called. We walked down the hall until we came across the room we were supposed to enter. The doctor closed the door and sat down.
“So I understand you’re here to inquire about a DNA test?”
“You are going to need possible parents”
“Yeah, that is a bit hard”
“Why?” he looked at me. Confused.
“Because my mom is in jail and there are probably 100 possibilities of who my dad is” I explained trying to keep my voice down.
“Why would there be 100 possibilities?” the doctor asked,
“Because mom was a prostitute” he nodded and started mumbling and writing down ways we can find this guy.
“Is there any way of getting in contact with your mom?”
“So there is no way of asking who possible fathers are?”
“Then I’m afraid I can’t help you find your dad, I’m sorry”
“Thank you” I said standing up, the doctor opened the door and we left.

We crossed the road again to go back into the pet shop.
“Can I have the black Labrador and the Red Malamute” Rene asked the girl behind the counter, she seemed to know what Rene was on about and started walking towards the window with the Malamutes in it. Rene urged me to go with the sales lady. She grabbed the dog and handed it to me. Then she moved over to the Lab and took it out to.
“Anna please be a sport and go get collars and leashes” Rene said pointing in the direction of the things I needed to get. I picked out two of each and took them to Rene. She had already paid for the dogs. I still don’t see why she needed to buy two dogs. The lady handed the collar back to me. I out it on the dog in my arms and we left. When we got in the car Rene looked at me and smiled.
“What are you going to name her?” she asked. I cocked an eye brow at her
“She isn’t mine to name Rene, what do you mean?” I asked.
“She is yours.”
“Happy birthday Annabelle” she said hugging me. I started to tear up as I hugged her back. It was the first time in ages that I actually feel loved.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so i updated, i have another chapter and a half on paper that i need to type out, which is going to take me forever to do -.- sorry for the wait

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