Dream Of Demons While You Sleep


“So what are you going to name her?”
“Cute but lets drop these two off and then off to school it is” she smiled at me.
“Uh okay” I smiled back. We dropped the two puppies off at home. When we got to the school I was greeted by William, Sisky and Andy. Sisky wrapped his arms around me and would NOT let go. He was literally pulled off me by William and Andy.
“Happy birthday” William whispered in my ear then kissed my cheek. I smiled
“You didn’t forget” I smiled.
“How could I forget my girlfriend’s birthday?”
“Shut up”
“Anyway what did mom get you for your birthday?”
“Chocolate” I answered smiling.
“She bought you chocolate, as in chocolate that you can eat?”
“No stupid, an Alaskan malamute. I named her Chocolate”
“Aw thank you Sisky”
“Happy birthday Anna” Andy said hugging me.
“Thanks Andy.” I smiled; it felt good to have people who actually cared for me unlike Jenna who couldn’t have cared less. I let my emotions get to me; I let the tears fall down my cheeks. But they defiantly weren’t tears of sadness, they were tears of joy.

“Aww we’re sorry” Sisky pouted and latched himself to me again
“No Sisky” William and Andy exclaimed.
“What she is crying?” Sisky said innocently.
“I’m not upset Sisky, I’m happy” I smiled at him. His mouth formed an O shape and hugged me tighter. Rene came out with some old guy; I was guessing he was the principal.
“Siska, let the poor girl go” the guy ordered. Sisky let go and went to stand by Andy and William. William stepped forward and grabbed my hand.
“I love you” he whispered in my ear.
“Me too” I said clearly.
“Can I speak to miss thorn please?” the principal asked.
“My name is Annabelle”
“I know, now come with me” I nodded and followed dragging William behind me. We walked into an office, sitting out side a door was a blonde guy, he looked up at me.
“So I have papers filled out, you will start as soon as possible. But now I’m going to give you and the boy outside a tour of the school.” He stood up and opened the door for me, a bell rang
“Beckett, Class” William nodded and let go of my hand.
“Come on Michael we are taking you two on a tour of the school” the principal smiled at the boy. The boy stood up and smiled weakly at me.

I smiled back and followed the principal through the school halls. Some people stopped and started at us while we went from class to class come just went on with what they were doing like we weren’t even there which I was cool with.
“Hey what's your name?” Michael asked.
“Nice name” his accent wasn’t American.
“Where are you from?” I asked curious.
“Sydney, Australia” he answered.
“Cool” I smiled; I knew I’d heard that accent before. A had a friend back I Chicago who was Australian, I miss her.
“Why are you moving schools?” he questioned.
“I’ve only just moved here with my mom” I explained “But mom is in jail now” I scrunched my nose up.
“So where are you living?” he cocked an eyebrow at me.
“My boyfriend” I answered quickly.
“Where is your dad?” he frowned, I looked at him, jeez this kid had a lot of questions.
“I don’t know him” I smiled
“Sorry” he apologised.

The tour went on like all tours did, BORING and no one to talk to I think I made Michael feel guilty for asking about my dad, so he wasn’t talking all to much. The tour was finished quicker then I thought, the principal let us go,
“Bye Michael.” I waved
“Bye Annabelle, sorry about all the questions before” he smiled.
“It’s okay Michael” I smiled back.
“So I’ll see you whenever?” he asked. I nodded “Are you sure your okay about me asking all those questions?” he asked a little worried,
“I’m sure, Goodbye Michael.”
“Bye Annabelle” he waved again.

I walked over to Rene and smiled at her.
“How was it honey?” she asked
“It was okay, the other boy Michael has a nervous habit of talking A LOT” I laughed.
“Oh leave him alone”
“What are we doing now?” I yawned.
“Waiting for William and Sam to come out then we are going home.” The bell rang as Rene was talking to me. William was the first to come out. Sam took forever to get out. She walked up with a black haired girl with the prettiest grey eyes. She was a little chubby but still very pretty.
“Annabelle this is Taylor, Taylor this is Annabelle, and she is living at my house” she smiled widely before hugging me.
“Nice to meet you Taylor” I smiled.
“Nice to meet you too” she smiled back.
“Come on I think Anna is tired.” Rene told Sam.
“Bye Taylor” with that Sam got in the car.

When we got home I went and got Chocolate from the backyard and brought her inside.
“Aww when did you get her?” Sam asked.
“We got her today, she’s my birthday present” I explained.
“Oh, I forgot totally! Happy birthday”
“Thanks, oh and there is one for you out side.” I said patting chocolate. Her eyes brightened up and she ran out side. I took chocolate up to my room, closed the door and placed her on my bed before laying down on the bed myself. I closed my eyes and felt chocolate curl up next to me; before I knew it I was asleep.
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so i know it's been a while but i hate re typing things it sucks. so i hope you liked this chapter not that there is much in it. :D
