Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

What Did You Say?

At lunch I walked with William to the canteen. There were a lot of poles in there, we walked past a guy, he was tall and was tall, had blond hair and a pink T-Shirt on. I smiled at him while walking past,
“Emo” he said after I walked past him thinking I didn’t hear him. I turned around and approached him.
“What was that?” I said, confident.
“Oh you heard me?” he asked with a smirk on his face. “SO if you heard me why don’t you repeat it?” he rolled his eyes.
“No, say it again and you’ll know it” I threatened and walked away.
“EMO” he said loudly, I turned around and walked back towards him,
“Annabelle stop” William called after me. “Annabelle”
“What was that?” I asked him again
“You heard me emo, go cut and mope about how your life sucks”
“You really want you ass kicked don’t you?” I asked clenching my fists
“What are you going to slit my wrists?” he asked his tone was sarcastic. I pulled his shirt and threw him into the pole he was just leaning on, I may look tiny but I’m stronger then anyone thinks I am. He fell limp to the ground. His head was bleeding, wow he must have hit that pole pretty hard.
“Someone call an ambulance!” some blonde girl screamed.
“Thorn!” the vice principal called, I looked up at him. He signaled for me to go to him. I turned to William before walking to him.
“Yes sir?”
“My office NOW” I nodded and walked to his office.

A couple of minutes later William appeared by my side.
“What in the world happened, you should have just ignored that” he panicked.
“You heard what he said, I cracked it at him.”
“You split the poor boys head open” William laughed. The vice principal stormed in and sent William out, after that he sat down in his chair and pulled out a note book.
“What happened” he asked calmly while searching for a pen. I explained what happen and how I retaliated to his words. “I’m suspending you for a week” he told me frowning. I nodded and hung my head in shame, it was my first day and I’d already been suspended. “We will be ringing Rene and getting her to take you home right now, wait here while we contact her, she will be home yes?”
“Yes Sir”

Half an hour later Rene arrived at the school, she didn’t look very happy.
“What happened?” she asked in an annoyed voice.
“Come in and have a seat” he said holding his hand out for her. Everything was explained and I was in big trouble. I got in the car and buckled up.
“Anna, what you did to that poor boy was not good; you should be ashamed of yourself!” Rene raged.
I was hesitant to say what I wanted to “Rene it was his fault if he had of just shut him mouth instead of asking for a death wish, maybe he wouldn’t of got hurt!” I argued
“That doesn’t mean that you have to knock the poor guy out” Rene said in more of a clam voice.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be called Emo ever since you started high school, you have no idea what it’s like to be me.” I felt tears pricking my eyes.
“I’m sorry, but I’m still angry about it” Rene Shook her head and concentrated on the road in stead of on me. “Calm down Annabelle I’m sure he’ll be okay” she put her hand on my back. I started mumbling angrily to myself.

When we got home I was sent up to my room and wasn’t aloud to come down until dinner, I was particularly fine with that. As long as I had my music I was fine. Soon after I put my music on Rene walked in,
“Hey Rene why is it everyone has to pick on me?” I asked starting to calm down, I wasn’t so angry now.
“I don’t know honey, People that pick on other people are always just looking for something to do to make them feel good.” She explained.
“Well it isn’t fair, I never did anything to them, like today I only walked past the stupid idiot” I frowned now sitting cross legged on my bed.
“Yeah, Hey Anna can you help me lift the Spare T.V up here?” she asked smiling at me.
“I thought I wasn’t aloud out of the room?” I asked more then said.
“Well I think I was being too harsh, come on” she asked leading the way down to the basement. I smiled to myself and shook my head.
“No but thank you for the offer” Today was better then I thought.
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so another update, this one was quicker then the last, amazingly. so i have to stay home Monday now, seeing as i'm apparently disrespectful. So that means another update fairly soon, i'd love to hear thought, suggestions to what you want to happen in this story, or even feed back for me. anyway, i'm out