Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

A Week.

*William’s P.O.V*

Sisky wouldn’t stop talking about Anna, it was Anna this and Anna that. I kind of wanted to hit him.
“So what are you telling Anna?” Sisky jumped up and down in front of me.
“That she is awesome” I replied for the millionth time
“Good boy” Sisky smiled. Andy had had enough of Sisky talking and shoved an apple in his mouth trying to shut him up.
“Now you be a good boy and shut your mouth, your diving me insane” Andy added. Mike had stayed quiet for the whole walk home, I was sure something was wrong but I decided to keep to myself and not ask him what was the matter.

“Okay so I’ll see you tomorrow.” I told them walking down my footpath toward the front door.
“See ya” they kept walking as I walked in side.
Annabelle was sitting on the couch when I walked in, I cocked an eye brow, mom couldn’t have given in that easily, could she? Annabelle smiled at me and got up. She pulled me into a hug; I frowned and hugged her back. Mom walked in and looked at the two of us.
“Isn’t Annabelle in trouble, not that I want her to be but I’m confused” I rambled
“Anna isn’t in trouble only because, well it’s hard to explain but she was in trouble and now she’s not. That’s all you need to know William.” Mom explained.
“Yup” I said. Anna let go of me and walked into the kitchen, I followed and let the dogs in as I walked past the backdoor. They circled my feet before running into the lounge where Sammie was.
“Sisky says your awesome” I told her when I got to the fridge. “What are you looking for?” I asked.
“Strawberries” she answered moving to the next shelf. “And why am I awesome now?” she inquired.
“Because Sisky hated the kid.” I answered.

Anna started giggling. “That’s funny.” She poked her head out of the fridge and smiled at me. “Will, do we have any strawberries?” she asked putting her head back in the fridge.
“If you had of asked me that before I would have said no.” I laughed at her. She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest,
“I have a craving for strawberries though.”
“Well mom doesn’t by strawberries because Sam doesn’t eat them, I’ll only eat them occasionally, so when she buys them no one eats them.” I explained to her, if it made any sense. Even if it didn’t, it made sense in my head.
“Can we go buy some?” she asked “Please” she added.

Before I could answer her question the phone rang. I frowned and picked it up.
“Hello?” I asked
“Hello is your mother home?” the person on the other side of the phone asked.
“Yeah, I’ll get her. May I ask who is calling?” I asked walking to the lounge where I knew mom would be.
“Judge Colman” The lady told me. I frowned and handed the phone to mom.
“Who is it?” mom asked
“Some judge” I answered. She put the phone to her ear and listened making noises every few seconds.
“A week? You can’t be serious, the girl only just started school” my mother ranted. There were a few more ‘mmhmm’s’ and she spoke again. “Fine a week.” Mom said hanging up the phone.

“What did they want?” I asked concerned.
“Anna’s court case is in a week” mom explained with a sigh. I turned around. Anna was standing in the door way, a glass in hand and her mouth wide open, the glass slowly slipping out of her hands, this wasn’t going to go too well.
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so another update, i finished this at school, i had nothing else to do, i'd love to get some new comments before i update. anyway hope you enjoyed it and that there isn't many mistakes.
