Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

Not Ready

*Annabelle’s P.O.V*

My mothers court case, in a week? No it can’t be they said a month, I wasn’t supposed to go into court for another four weeks, why has it been changed, I’m not ready to see that psycho! Hide, yeah hide I can’t go to court if they cant find me.

My mind was in a whirl, what if she gets out of doing time, what is she is found not guilty?
The bruises are slowly going away; the scares she made haven’t and never will, did we take photos of the bruises?
Oh that’s right the police did.
But still there’s still that chance she could be found not guilty.

There was a loud smashing sound that brought me back to earth. I looked at William. Scared about everything. Rene jumped out of her seat,
“Do not move you have glass all around you.” she went to the cupboard and took out the broom and swept up the glass surrounding my feet.
“A week I can’t see her in a week I’m not ready to!” I said feeling tears prick my eyes
“We can’t do anything about it” Rene said picking up the rest of the glass. I stepped away and sat on the couch next to Sam. She hugged me tightly. “Sammie I don’t want to go” I complained
“You have to go” she told me. I nodded and laid my head on hr shoulder. “Everything will be okay Anna” she assured me with a smile.
“But what if she is proven not guilty?” I asked shaking.
“She can’t get proven not guilty because she is up for murder too, she has to do time either way.” Samantha told me nodding vigorously.
“She’s right, she has to do a couple of years for murder at least.” William said in agreement. I made me feel a little better at least. Sam let go of me.
“How about we go shopping for a couple of hours? Take your mind off things.” she suggested.
“Yeah that would be good” I smiled at her.
“Mom can you drive us?” Sam asked Rene
“Yeah, do you need money?” Rene asked me.
I shook my head. “No” I answered.
“Okay, come on then.”

Sam helped me to my feet and walked me to the car. The drive was spent talking about our favorite things to do and things we liked seeing as we never really got to find those things out about each other. When we got there we spent a lot of time looking for brightly colored jeans, I bought bright pink and purple jeans while Sam bought what ever color the shop had.

By the time we had finished both our arms were covered in bags. And to admit, I had fun running around with Sam, and I did take my mind of everything.
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okay it's short... and really crappy, but it's an update.
