Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

The Big Day

*A Week Later*
‘Today is the court day’ was the first thing I thought when I woke up. Fuck.
“Annabelle, get ready, remember good clothes!” Rene yelled, I got out of bed and trudged into the bathroom, had a shower and got dressed. I was ready to go by 12:30. William was in casual clothes while I had to wear some kind of dress, it was pretty and all but I didn’t want to wear it now. The minutes passed quickly in the car, Sam was making faces and William was crying from laughter. It lightened the mood, made me feel okay about this court case.

When I walked in my mother was dressed in orange with handcuffs, she had a bruise under her left eye and a cut lip. Nice. I sat down at the brown table as people flooded the room, most of them reporters. Then the judge entered. It was a girl; her hair was in a bun above her head. She sat down and sorted threw papers. It kind of made me nervous. William sat next to me as a witness. He patted me knee and gently rubbed it with his thumb.
“Please stand” the judge said raising her hand. Everyone in the back ground stood. As two lawyers walked down and took their seats with me and my mom. “Be seated” she announced in a loud clear voice.

“Jena Vivian Thorn is being charged on one offense of Child Abuse and one charge of Murder.” A young woman said to the judge.
“Will Annabelle Thorn please come up to the stands” the judge said pointing to the stand next to her. I got up slowly and walked over to the stand, they made me say I heap of mumbo jumbo about telling the truth then started asking me questions.
“So you say your mother abused you yes?” some man asked me.
“Yes” I answered.
“And was this a form of punishment?”
“No, she never had a reason. She was either dunk, high or just wanted someone to take her anger out on. She hated me” I told him
“So you’re saying that Jena was an unfit mother?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying, for the last 18 years of my life I’ve been hit, kicked, stabbed, had plates thrown at my head, you name it I’ve been through it.” William smiled at me.
“Has Jena ever actually been nice?”
“Your honor” my lawyer butted in.
“No” I said before the judge could speak.

The court went on with its questions; they wanted dates that William saw me be hurt they wanted to know everything. Then the jury went into some room to discus what was to happen. When they returned my heart was beating like you wouldn’t believe.
“The jury finds Jena Vivian Thorn guilty of child abuse; she is sentenced to 2 years jail and has to take a parenting course.” The judge boomed. “The court is adjourned”

There were photos taken as we walked out, many interviewers came up to me too. It was kind of scary having all these people in your face and being the center of attention. When we got in the car William hugged me.
“I told you she would be put away.”
“What about the murder?” I asked confused.
“That is for another time, you don’t have to go to that trial.” Rene told me
‘today was a long day’ I thought to myself as I laid my head on William’s shoulder, ‘time for a sleep’ I shut my eyes and let darkness consume me.
♠ ♠ ♠
wow ten starts i feel... LOVED :D

thank you to everyone to has commented especially Samantha Star and FanFicFantastic92
