Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

I'm Not Like Him

*William's P.O.V*

Mom looked back at a sleeping Anna. She smiled at me.
"What?" I asked not sure why she was smiling.
"She is finally going to be happy now, and you helped her with that William, you helped her be happy. I'm proud of you." She turned the car off and got out. "Very proud" she added walking toward the house. I shook Anna slightly,
"Anna wake up we're home" I said in her ear softly. Her eyes fluttered open, she gave me a warm smile.
"William, I love you." She smiled
"I love you too, but can we go inside?" I smiled back; she giggled and nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt with a yawn. I followed Anna inside. Sam smiled and nodded at me as we walked inside.
"You did a good job Will." She told me with a hug.
"Thank you" I answered hugging her back.
"Group hug" Anna yelled tackling us in a hug "Thank you, both of you. Sam your one of my only girl friends, you helped me as much as William did." She told Sam.

Sam's face lit up like lights on a Christmas tree, she was happy she help Anna through this. I was just happy this was all over, I think we all were to be honest. I was happy because my girlfriend wouldn't be paranoid about her mother hunting her down and killing her, because I helped her through all this crap and because I can finally see the Anna she has been hiding away. Anna let go and walked up the stairs toward her room.
"I wonder what she's doing" Sam said to herself.
"Sleeping, most likely she is tired." I answered her rhetorical question. "Why does it bother you so much, just let her sleep. She needs rest after that." I told Sam.
"After what, she sat around and answered questions." Sam frowned
"Samantha, just leave her!" mom yelled to Sam.
"Yes mom" she said moving to the couch. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.
"Mom what's for dinner?" I asked sitting down on a stool at the kitchen bench.
"Chinese" she answered in her usual chirpy voice. Sam groaned from the couch, Sam hates Chinese food. I laughed, "You can have pizza" mom told her. "So William, how do you it went? Good obviously but where you nervous?" mom asked talking quickly.
"Yeah I was. But everything is good now. Right? Nothing is going to happen to Annabelle?" I asked
"Nothing is going to happen to her for a long time. We'll make sure of it. But you can't always save her you know." I was confused what was she talking about. One minute were talking about the case and that she'll never be hurt again but now I can't protect her? "William you have to understand, she isn't always going to live here, with us, she will want to move out one day. Go some where else, if she gets hurt there you can't save her you'll be here with me and Sam." She told me.
"Mom I don't have to live here for the rest of my life, I plan on travelling the world with my band, not sitting at home doing some crappy job. Even if she does leave I'll leave with her, I love her mom." I frowned; I still didn't see what mom was trying to get at. It made no sense.
"Exactly William, you'll be touring the world if this band of yours makes it big. She'll be at home while your being chased around the world by girls who drool at just the mention of your name. And she will be working missing you while you are looking at other woman. William what I'm trying to say is, your young, you don't know what love is yet. Do you really want to sacrifice every other girl in the world for this one girl who caught your eye when she moved next door?"
"Yes mom, I may be young but that doesn't mean I don't know I love her. Just because dad is always away doesn't mean that I'll turn out like that too, leaving my girlfriend/ wife at home to look after her kids. If she has any while I'm in another state or country-doing god knows what with god knows whom. Just because dad is hurting you doesn't mean that I'm going to hurt Anna." I said angrily at my mother. What does she think I am some sum bag? She knows she raised me better then that.

I stormed off angrily to Anna's room, closing it softly behind me. I lay next to Anna on her huge bed. I slowly stroked her cheek with my thumb.
"I'm not as fucked up as him, I promise I wont leave you" I whispered letting my emotions get to me as I cried. Yeah I missed dad, but I knew that he was never coming back, I've lost all hope of that. I know what is really going on, and they all think I'm stupid.
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another chapter, this was only a filler. but the story is almost at an end, i don't know how many chapters but i know it's almost finished :O

so this is deticated to all my commenters because i love you all and you guys keep me going :D

love to hear from you all.