Dream Of Demons While You Sleep


I woke up. There was screaming coming from down stairs; I wasn’t sure who it was. It sounded like mom and Sam. Maybe Sam wanted to go out and mom wouldn’t let her. Anna groaned and rolled over next to me. Still asleep.
“Green!” she giggled in her sleep. I laughed quietly, I wonder what she’s dreaming about. That’s when I hear the faint voice of a toddler screaming ‘Doggie!’ maybe I was still dreaming. None of mom’s friends have kids, and she defiantly hasn’t had a baby in the past two maybe three years.

I got out of bed slowly, making sure I didn’t wake Anna. I walked out of the room and sat down at the top of the stairs listening to the fighting, it was still only Sam and mom screaming. I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. Something about leaving and not coming back. That’s when a little boy ran out in front of the stairs chasing after Chocolate who had grown a fair bit since mom and Anna first bought her. Chocolate seeked a way out of being chased and ran up the stairs jumping into my lap. The little boy took one look at me and ran in the opposite direction. I can’t be that scary can I? I patted Chocolate; she looked up at me with her huge blue eyes like she was thanking me. I’d thank me too if I was her, I’d hate to be chased by some little kid.
“Come on lets go see who is here.” I said, chocolate jumped out of my lap and slowly made her way down the stairs.

“You’re a fucking bastered get out of my house!” mom screamed “And say goodbye to William before you fucking leave, he was the one with the strongest hope, his in the spare room!” she shouted. I ran back upstairs and into the room before lying down next to Anna again.
“Son?” dad opened the door and took a good look at me and then Anna. The little boy was behind him, clinging to my fathers’ leg like he was his dad. I glared at my father and clenched my jaw and fists. “Son I’m sorry, let me introduce you to Mason. His my son, your brother.” My jaw dropped. I always knew it was true! Anna groaned again and her eyes flattered open. She took a glance at dad and jumped like she was scared. She moved closer to me.
“This is my ex dad, no need to be scared. He isn’t going to hurt you, and this is his son, Mason.”
“William, I’m always going to be your dad, I just won’t be living in the same state as you, with another family, and you can always visit. I’m happy there.” Anna looked at me then at my ex father.
“You are not my dad and I will no visit! I spent four years praying you hadn’t died and that you’d come back and we’d be happy again. Then I realized you weren’t coming back. I knew you were somewhere with some other woman I’m not stupid! Did you ever think about me and Sam and how this would affect us?” I fought with him, also fighting back tears. Anna got out of bed and walked over to Mason.
“Hey little buddy, do you want to come with me. We’ll go play with doggies you’d like that wouldn’t you?” she asked in a perky voice. I knew she didn’t want to hear the screaming and didn’t want Mason to hear it either.
“Yeth, what's you name?” he asked cutely.
“Annabelle, but you can call me Anna, come on.” She took his hand and led him down stair. God I love how she knows what to do with little kids.

Jayson looked at me for a long time. Tears welling up in his eyes,
“How can you disown your own father?” he asked in disbelief.
“Easily Jayson. You left me for five years. I believed you were coming back for the first four, and you crushed those hopes the day you didn’t come back.” I told him with all the confidence I could muster.
“I’m back now?”
“Not for long, your probably getting on a plane in a few hours and I personally want nothing to do with you.” I told him, my voice cracked near the end.
“Actually I’m here for three days, if you re consider William. I’m staying at the hotel near dominos. I don’t remember the street.” He told me as more tears fell down his muscular features.
“I know where you are. But I’m not changing my mind at any stage.” He frowned and turned around walking toward the stair case. “You never loved us did you?” I asked in a loud voice.
“I loved you William, I loved all of you, and I still do.” He answered. ‘Liar!’ mom yelled from the kitchen her voice faint. I rolled my eyes,
“Take your kid and leave Jayson, I don’t want to see your face.” I told him he screamed for Mason, Annabelle and Mason came running.
“Goodbye Mr. Beckett” Annabelle smiled politely.
“Goodbye, Annabelle. Take care of William for me. I know you won’t let him get out of hand. Show him his loved.” He told her patting her shoulder. “Goodbye Samantha darling.”
“Like I said I’m not fucking talking to you!” Sam screamed at him. I laughed. Nice one Sam.

After the door was shut Annabelle showed her true anger.
“William Fucking Beckett gets your ass down here.” she screamed. I started walking down the stairs. Sam went to stand. “Sit your ass back down Sam”
“Don’t you talk to me like that!” Sam fought back.
“Sit down!” Annabelle raged.
“No!” Sam screamed
“Sit the fuck down, you two need a good talking to. You may have the right to be angry but Ugh!” Sam sat down, I knew she wasn’t scared of Annabelle but I was. If her mom had a temper it meant she did too, and I don’t want to test that temper out.
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okay, the second 1,000 word chapter in two days, i might update again tonight seeing as I'm bored and not getting distracted which means longer and quicker chapters for you guys, but if i post again i want at least 3 comments before i update before i write the third chapter.

Love Cass