Dream Of Demons While You Sleep


Shopping. We each bought around five outfits. Rene was having a good time. Laughing at some of the stupid things I say or the faces I make at some ugly clothes.
“Time for hair cuts!” I screamed William wont know my once we are done. Rene laughed.
“Come on then” we walked into a very fancy looking hairdresser. I took a seat after telling them Rene’s and my name. They called us up and asked us what we wanted done.
“Rene isn’t aloud to choose her hair cut; I’m going to choose it.” I told them. She gave me the weirdest look. It kind of made me want to laugh. “I’m not going to make you look ugly.” I told her with a laugh. She laughed with me. I whispered in the hairdressers’ ear what I wanted for her. She nodded and smiled. It was time to get rid of that long hair. I told them what I wanted done with my hair. They gave me a look that said ‘are you sure.’ Then started cutting hair. Rene gasped as her hair got shorter and shorter.
“You better hope this looks good” she frowned at me.
“It will trust me.” The hairdresser laughed at something a guy said, I didn’t quite hear what it was but it wasn’t good. They brought out dyes; Rene’s eyes were shut, almost like she was asleep.

At least she was smiling, and that was all that mattered right now. Once we were finished I told Rene to open her eyes. She looked completely different, she had blond and red highlights through her hair and it was short very short. It looked good. I told her to look at me I’d gone blond with bright pink underneath my hair, it was sorter then before, and my side fringe was also shorter. Her mouth dropped.
“You look… different… but pretty.” I smiled.
“Thank you. You look beautiful too.” I told her. She blushed a little. Today was about making her do something but mourn over her loss. I mean he seemed like a nice guy and everything but she shouldn’t be so down. Well she isn’t down anymore and I’m quite proud of myself.
“Come on lets go back to my old house, change into the clothes we bought and then go home I smiled at her, she nodded and got out of the chair. We paid for the haircuts and left for home. Rene chose my outfit to change into and I chose hers. She chose a long blue dress, it was extremely pretty. I chose a line top it was grey and had flowers and spirals on it and a pair of black jeans. We walked out of the house locked it and walked next door, back home. When we entered the walls were clear apart from a few photo’s of William and Sam.

Rene walked upstairs,
“We’re home” she called from the top of the stairs. Sam walked out of her room.
“Where have you…” she stopped midsentence. Taking in the new appearance of her mother. “What happened to you?” she asked amazed.
“Like it?” Rene asked her daughter. Sam nodded slowly.
“Where is Anna?” she asked.
“Right there, she pointed to the bottom of the stairs where I was standing” her mouth dropped. When she saw me
“You blonde? Wow” she ran and jumped on me hugging me. “Thank you” she whispered in my ear. I was confused. It sounded like she wanted to murder me when she was upstairs. “I never would have thought to distract her you’re a genius. Besides I was thinking about what you said, can you take me too tomorrow?” I knew she’d come around eventually.
“Sure” I smiled at her. Time to go see William seeing as he hasn’t come out to see me.
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okay i didn't get 3 comments but i couldn't be bothered waiting. so here it is :D thanks to lurking shadow for the comment and Santi in Socks
