Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

What Drawings?

I had dinner next door, Sam walked me back home. I don’t see why I only lived about thirty steps away. Yes I counted how many steps it took me to get from the Beckett’s to my house. When I walked in the house Jenna was sitting on the floor agents the wall. A bottle of Vodka in her hands.
“Where the fuck have you been?” she turned to look at me directly, I took an unwilling step back. Jena shot daggers at me with her eyes, for the first time in a while I was actually terrified of what was going to happen. There was a fire in her eyes and I was the one who it was going to be taken out on. The hate was obvious tonight. More than it’s ever been.
“I was next door they invited me over” I was shaking rapidly even my voice was shaky; she could tell I was scared. I was petrified of what punishment I might get this time. Maybe she’ll break something on me and kill me. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with being beat by my own mother anymore.
“Did I say you could go there?” she asked intimidating me, I shook my head; this was the only answer I could give her. I was way too scared to talk anymore. She got up and walked over to me. “What was that answer”
“N-n-no” I stuttered, she slapped me. I could smell her breath; the thick smell of alcohol filled the air around my head. She was drunk. Then again I should have known that the full bottle of vodka that was now on the floor wouldn’t have been her first. She punched me in the stomach making me fall to the ground. “What is this for?” I asked. I could hear the pain in my own voice. I also immediately regretted saying anything,
“Because I feel like hitting you, since when have I needed a reason?” she laughed darkly to herself she kicked me and walked off down the hall way, leaving me lying on the wooden floor all curled up. It was going to leave a bruise like all of her hits did, if she beat me every day I’d be the world’s most bruised teenager. Once the pain in my stomach was bearable I got up and stumbled over to the end room where I collapsed on the soft carpet floor, I fell asleep quickly.

My sleep was full of vivid nightmares, of people hating me, of being killed. I don’t ever want to dream like that again. I got up and had to sit back down; it was because of Jenna punching me yesterday. I got up slower this time and walked out into the kitchen and looked at the pots and pans on the bench top,
‘Must have bought kitchen wear’ I thought to myself, I pick up a glass and fill it with water, she had brought aspirin too, I took two out and put them on the bench, I grabbed another glass and filled it with the orange juice that was sitting in a bag with all other random soft drinks. I quickly drunk it and picked up the aspirin and the water and took them into Jenna. I shook her and she groaned. Her eyes slowly opened and she put her hands to her head. I gave her the glass of water she opened her hand; I put the pills in it. She filled her mouth with water and swallowed one pill, then the same for the next. I got up and went to walk out. I didn’t want to be nice, but I had to and I defiantly didn’t want to be in that room any longer then I had to be.
“The furniture is coming today, be sure you are here when they come!” she screamed even though she had a headache, I was amazed she even remembered. But I wasn’t surprised that she forgot that it’s my birthday next week. Then I’ll be eighteen and if she tries to make me move I can just say that I don’t have to.

“Where am I supposed to go?” I asked. The only place I could possibly go is next door. And I wasn’t going there because I know I’d complain about my stomach, and then they would ask questions. Then they would feel sorry for me and I hate people feeling sorry for me. I’ve grown used to living with the pain.
“I don’t know. You could try taking off.” She glared at me. I laughed under my breath,
“I’ll be here” I said walking out of the room into the kitchen, I jumped up on the bench and sat down. I went through the bags next to me until I found a packet of chips I could eat. There was a knock at the door. I hopped off the bench and answered it. Standing in front of me were William and Sam. She was smiling widely.
“Who the fuck is that and why are they coming over so early?” Jenna yelled from her room.
“Friends” I called back, I turned back to Sam and Will her grin had grown and William’s face was painted with horror. I guess he got what it was like and he only heard her talk once. Must have been the discussed tone in her voice. I step away from the door letting them in.

“Where did you sleep there is nothing in here?” Sam asked looking around. A frown set on her face as she passed in circles looking around the house slowly.
“Floor in my room” I whispered hoping she wouldn’t hear me, she did.
“That can’t have been comfortable” Sam frowned
“It wasn’t but the stuff is coming today” I smiled trying to make the best of it without hurting myself. William didn’t talk; he kept looking around like something was going to attack him from behind. “William” I said, he looked at me. His face still covered in horror “Did you want to help me move all the furniture in here?” I asked I could see his pale skin turning a bright shade of red and the look of horror slowly leaving his face.
“Yeah I’ll help, when are the people coming?” he asked
“I have no idea; I would estimate they would come around twelve” he nodded. I looked down the hall and I could see my room, it was so dull and white. I turned to Sam,
“What about we paint my room?” I asked, I liked the idea of painting. It would give me something interesting to do.
“One colour or drawings?” Sam asked confused.
“What about you pick three of the paintings you most like and then the other can be plain?” I suggested
“Yeah where are they?” William asked, I smiled and I walked down to my room and grabbed the sketch book out of one of the bags and took it down to the two of them. I handed it to Sam.
“Can I pick one?” Will asked shyly, I smiled and nodded. Sam started slowly flipping through the drawings, some of them my favourite bands some landscapes, others of just random things I’ve drawn.
“I like this one!” Sam said pointing to a fairy sitting elegantly on a toad stool, with butterflies all around her.
“That’s my favourite or one of them at least” I said taking it out of my book making sure I didn’t wreck it.
“Why don’t we stick with the fairy theme?” Sam suggested
“Sure, why not?” I said, Sam flipped to the next page,
“That’s my pick” Will announced, pointing to it. It was a brown haired fairy; it was flying with other fairies in the background. And toad stools all over the ground. Sam finally found another one she liked, it was a pixie peeping out from under a toad stool, it had a cheeky smile on its face and its hair was short.
“Ok, stay here I’ll be back in a second” I walked into Jenna’s room. I knew it was going to be suicide but it was worth a try. “Mom can you please give me some money so me and my friends can paint my room?” I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes.
“Fine but only because this house is so fucking dull. Do you think you could paint pink frangipani’s everywhere and maybe lilies?” I nodded, she gave my $200 I needed more brushes as well. I grabbed them both.
“Come on take me to the nearest paint shop. We’ll need a lot of it, Sam are you good at drawing flowers?”
“Depends what type of flowers.”
“Um not really” she said,
“Don’t worry I’ll do it”

We walked out of the house and down the road, they took me into a paint shop and I grabbed all the colours I needed. Then brushes, I had around $5 change from the money Jenna had given me.
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okay i've been slowly updating this, changing things for anyone who is new to reading this. it's a slow working progress and if you comment i'll send you profile comments when i update a chapter, they are olny small changes but i'm sure you may want to read them... maybe
