Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

Where Are My Flowers

We walked back to the house, me and will went into my room and sat the paint down and Sam was in the lounge room painting the walls a peachy color, I looked in Jenna’s room but no one was there. She must have gone out. I laid down a big blue plastic cover and started painting the one William had picked out. I started with the grass; William sat and watched me paint. I was concentrating on drawing a toad stool on the grass and he came up behind me. I thought he was just watching me but he ran his fingers across my cheek. I felt the wet paint touch my cheek.
“AH!” he laughed, I flicked paint at him, he looked down at his clothes which now have red blotches all over them. “Sit down and let me paint” I laughed. Instead he went into the lounge room where Sam was still painting; I then started the sky. When that was finished I called William back in.

“Will!” I screamed
“What?” he asked walking into the room.
“What color do you want her dress?” I asked
“Um… purple please” I started the fairy; the blue plastic started making noise. I knew it was only William sitting down. I could feel him watching me as I painted the brown haired fairy. Every now and then I’d look around and steel glances at him. I’d try and make it look as if I was looking at the drawing but it never worked. He’d always catch me out. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned music on. The silence was driving me crazy. I continued painting until the truck pulled up outside the house. I looked at my watch, 11:00am.
“Come on you need to help me” I pulled him up; I was covered in dry paint. I laughed at my appearance and walked outside. The guys were unloading the truck, there were couches and bed heads, tables and chairs, everything! I looked in the back of the truck amazed,
“We need to help yeah?” I asked, the guys said nothing but nodded. I took it as a yes and started lifting the kitchen chairs he’d pulled out and took them inside, the smell of paint hit me like a tone of bricks. I walked through the house into the kitchen and sat them down. And went to grab something else. Me and William carried in and arm chair this time and sat it where there was no blue plastic. The rest we placed in the kitchen, I was amazed we fit so much in there. The guy took off and I went to finish the painting.

By the time we finished it was 5:00pm I’d painted all the walls that had drawing on them and painted a black rose next to my inbuilt wardrobe, I sat back and admired my work. Sam had finished way before I had, so she came and did some of my grass for me.
“Your mom is probably wondering where you two are” I said
“Nah, I told her that we could be all day.”
“Ok, one second I want to see what we can eat” I walked into the kitchen and looked threw the bags that were still on the bench, there was everything, I decided on tacos. Sam walked in,
“What are we having I’m starving!” I laughed,
“Tacos, would you help make them?” she nodded William came in and laid on the couch.
“William, get up and help us” Sam screamed at her brother.
“Leave him” I said dicing up a tomato. I looked up, his eyes were closed and his head leaning up agents the side of the couch. I smiled and went to look at the mince,
“It’s ready” Sam said over her shoulder. I nodded and grabbed the shells out of the oven. And put them on a plate. I walked over to the table, and put everything down. I searched for plates. I found some and pulled three out. I went over and shook William, trying not to fall over the armchair behind me or fall on him.
“Dinner is ready” I said trying to get out of the tight space. He groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. He stumbled over and ate. I finished first. I grabbed the blue plastic off the lounge room floor and folded it up. I put it in the spare room and walked back out, I started dragging the armchair into the lounge. Trying hard not to damage anything, I put it into place and tried the couch. William got up and helped me. Next was to make my bed. I dragged the boxes up to my room and put it together. I put it in the middle of the room while the paint was drying. We shoved the mattress on it making a loud bang when it landed into place. I grabbed the sheets and blanket that came with it and made the bed. Next was Jenna’s bed, we put that together and did the same, her walls hadn’t been painted to we pushed it up agents a wall and left it. I put the rest of the chairs around the kitchen table and we were done. William laid back down on the couch and fell asleep. I looked at the walls. I think I’ll do frangipanis in the lounge room they are a pretty flower. And then lily’s in the kitchen.
“Sam what type of flower for in the bathroom?” I asked.
“I can paint roses in there if you want?” I smiled and nodded.
“That would be great” I admitted. I had my work cut out for me here.
“I’m going to go home” she said standing up out of the arm chair.
“When will wakes up I’ll send him home” I said looking at the peaceful sleeping body of William. She smiled and nodded. When she was gone I let out a sigh. I got up and went into the kitchen; I washed the dishes and dried them, put them away and went back into the lounge room. I had almost drifted to sleep when Jenna walked threw the front door.
“Fuck wit I’m home” she yelled threw the house even though she could see me sitting in the arm chair. She walked over and slapped me. “Where are my flowers?” she demanded,
“I’m g-g-going to do t-t-that tomorrow” I stutter scared again.
“You better!” she screamed and stormed of into her room. William sat up his mouth wide open the same as his eyes. I put my finger to my lips “Shh”