Dream Of Demons While You Sleep

Do You Like Her

I was pulled next door and then when William changed pulled back out of the house and some where else, he was on the phone for most of the walk, we got to a park there was no-one there. I sat down on the swing and Will pushed me. Until a black haired boy showed up.
“Hey Mike!” he yelled
“Hey Bill!” the stranger yelled back. “What’s up? Who’s the girl?” he asked, I frowned.
“Mike, Annabelle. Annabelle, Mike!” he smiled pushing me again.
“Hey, new here?” he asked me.
“Yup moved here what three days ago?” I said, he smiled at me while William pushed me softly in the swing, another walked two walked up,
“Adam! Andy!” Make yelled,
“Who brought the hot chick?” one of the two asked
“Sisky! Is that anyway to treat my friend?” he asked, sisky laughed.
“So you brought the hot chick” Sisky said. I couldn’t be bothered getting up and hitting him,
“What’s your real name?” I asked him
“Adam and yours is?”
“Annabelle” I said, he smiled,
“So Annabelle” I looked up at William, he glared at Sisky, I laughed. William looked down at me and blushed.
“New comer” Mike said to the other guy I think his name was Andy
“Stop talking about me!” I yelled at them, they looked at me. Sisky walked over and sat in front of the swing but far enough away for William to keep pushing me.
“So Annabelle, tell us about you” Sisky said my name in a flirty tone,
“What do you want to know?” I asked
“Ok, I love drawing, I love music, and I probably won’t be here for more then a year”
“Aw why?”
“Mother” I said almost falling asleep. I lent back on William and closed my eyes.
“OOOH” everyone sung at the same time. I ignored the chanting. I felt William’s heart pounding, he moved to get comfortable and I fell flat on my back. My eyes flew open as everyone but William laughed. He sat me up,

“Sorry I should have caught you” he apologised
“We think William has a crush!” they all said in unison, his heart started pounding again as I laid my head agents his chest so I could sleep. I close my eyes and listened to his racing heart beat. When they thought I was asleep they started talking to William about me.
“Dude, what’s with her moving so much?” He started playing with a peace of my jet black hair.
“I’m not aloud to, guys its bad” he sighed, I wouldn’t mind if he told them, I would only care if Jenna found out because she’d kill him. I moved a little to get comfortable. My top moved up a little reviling a bruise I’d had for a little while. I heard one of them gasp.
“What is that from?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Ok William you are telling us what is up with her not staying for more than a year?”
“I don’t know why, I know her mom hits her. She has done it in front of me but I haven’t been told why they move.” William explained with a sigh, he hated hearing Jenna yell at me or seeing her hit me. He didn’t even need to tell me that he hated it; all I had to do was listen to the despair in his voice when he talked about it, and he’s only talked about it to me and the guys in front of him.
“Dude isn’t that child abuse?”
“Nope because it’s her daughter”
“What about her dad?” Sisky’s voice asked
“I haven’t seen a guy there, I don’t think she knows her dad” he was right I didn’t know him. I didn’t even know his name.
“Gee that would suck, not knowing your dad, getting bashed. I feel sorry for her” there were agreements all round,
“Do you like her will?” his heart beat sped up again.
“Well, yeah.”
“Awww William has a crush” Sisky said
“Ey I better get home, get her home too her mom will go crazy if she isn’t home” William shook me, I groaned as if I was asleep and opened my eyes.
“Come on home.” He helped me up.
“Why are we leaving so soon?” I yawned
“Do you want to get in trouble for not being home?” I yawned and shook my head
“Exactly.” He said “See ya guys, I’ll talk to you later”
“Have fun!” Sisky yelled. I blushed, if only William knew. I walked home with him; he walked me to the front door. I went inside and then collapsed on the couch. I was so tired and it was only 3:00pm. I fell asleep. And dreamt about what my Father would be like.
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