What Hurt The Most

Broken hearted and aching for a change, Melissa is stuck on a summer long family vacation with not only her immediate family of seven, but her aunt, uncle, cousin, and two of her cousin's friends.
How is a girl to get any alone time to heal and find herself?
A summer fling, just what she needs, but when she falls in love, she's over her head.
Is it Matthew, her cousin's gorgeous, complicated friend?
Or Erick, the adorable boy she met on the beach?
  1. An Old Story
    Its a long drive to the beach, with plenty of time to think of things past and things to come
  2. Something About Her
    And its not just her, he feels it too.
  3. Stormy Beginnings
    Summer storms bring the heat
  4. Pounding Feet, Pounding Thoughts
    Running always clears her head...
  5. She's Hiding Something
    She intrigues him..
  6. New Kid on the Block
    He's a character...
  7. Not So Normal Anymore
    So THAT'S the big secret....
  8. Gotta Get Away
    So how do you handle a situation as awkward as that?
  9. Summer Lovin'
    It happens so fast....
  10. Oh, She's a Dreamer
    It's a dream sequence...
  11. A Night On the Beach
    Who could honestly sleep after that?
  12. Confrontation and Revelation
  13. An Afternoon for the Girls
    Girl's day out. Shopping spree anyone?
  14. Breathtaking
  15. Dinner And A Pretty View
  16. Erick
  17. Sounds Like Love
  18. Man-handling
    Oh, she knows what she's doing