Status: Complete

We Change, We Wait

It's not you, why can't you see?

“All right guys we’ve got one more song today,” I said into the mic. I looked over to see Annie watching me with a smile on her face. Kaleb was standing behind her with a blank expression. I don’t think he had ever forgiven me for hurting her as much as I had. I didn’t expect him to, I couldn’t even forgive myself. “This song is about friends and all the people you can’t live without it’s called We All Roll Along,” I told the crowd. I gave Annie a meaningful look and then I started to sing.

I remember every night we spent on weekends with good friends.
We did nothing but it seems like we did so much back then.
Oh, back then we were kicking and laughing
All relaxing and taking things for granted.
We did anything for just that little rush oh yeah.

Just don’t forget this,
We wont regret this.
We’ve got one chance to get it right.

We’re alive and we drive to the center of it.
Where we know we’re all fine
And this just cant be it.
And in the end we all know
We only breathe for so long.
So tonight’s the night,
We all roll along.

Back to our first cigarette,
You know we cant foget all of the faces that we met.
8123 means everything to me.
Take me back to the parking lot
The sleep we fought
And all the places we got caught.
This place will always be a part of me.
Yeah you’re all a part of me.

Just don’t forget this,
We wont regret this.
We’ve got one chance to get it right.

We’re alive and we drive to the center of it.
Where we know we’re all fine
And this just cant be it.
And in the end we all know
We only breathe for so long.
So tonight’s the night,
We all roll along.

I remember every day that I spent dreaming of leaving this place behind.
I would run away from thinking.
Adding up all the days spent wasted chasing the girls we hated.
Some things they, they never change.
Take me back to the sleepless nights the stupid fights and
Oh, it never mattered who was wrong or who was right.
And now you’re all a part of me.

We’re alive and we drive to the center of it.
Where we know we’re all fine
And this just cant be it.
And in the end we all know
We only breathe for so long.
So tonight’s the night,
We all roll along.

“Thank you all so much for coming out! We want to meet every single one of you so come see us at our merch booth!” I yelled into the mic before running off stage. I went over to Annie and wrapped her in a hug.

“Thanks for the nasty sweaty hug John, I needed it,” she said sarcstically, I just smiled.

“No problem,” I told her, I kissed her cheek and she smiled back at me.

“Annie we’ve got sound check in like ten minutes we should head that way,” Kaleb told her. She nodded and hugged me again before walking away. The rest of them headed to our merch booth and I went to watch Annie’s set.


*Three hours later – Midnight*

I sat with my back to the small building and my eyes closed. I was waiting for her to show up. We had been meeting each other in random places at midnight for four days. I didn’t hear anyone come up and I jumped when a hand fell lightly on my shoulder.

“Way to freak out John,” she laughed quietly. I smiled up at her and she sat next to me. I put my arm around her and pulled her into my chest. “You smell good.”

“I took a shower a little while ago,” I laughed. She nodded and buried her face in my chest. I sighed, I was finally happy again. I had Annie, I had my friends, I had the band and we were going places I never thought we would. It all seemed too good to be true. “I missed this,” I said softly a few minutes later.

“Missed what?”

“You, holding you, kissing you,” I told her and then kissed her forehead. We sat there for about three minutes before it started raining. It didn’t bother us at all, neither of us wanted to move. After about thirty minutes od drizzling it started to rain harder. It reminded me of a night I didn’t want to think of.


“You’ll never grow up…” she said shaking her head. She turned on her heel and left. As soon as the door swung shut I hit my knees in the middle of my apartment. Memories flashed behind my eyes. Us on vacation together, laying in my bed watching movies for hours, 8123, her sneaking out of her house to find me waiting by the sidewalk, all the things that would never happen again. I found myself crying.

After what seemed like hours I got up and stumbled out of my apartment. I didn’t care that it was still pouring down rain. I hoped that it would hide the fact that I was still crying. I found myself at the park where Annie and I would always meet. I stood in the rain for hours and by the time I got back to my apartment it was three in the morning.


“John, hello? You spaced out babe,” Annie’s voice brought me back to the present.

“Sorry,” I said refocusing on the beautiful girl in my arms.

“What were you thinking about?” she asked, her big blue eyes staring up at me.

“It was nothing.”

“It was something so tell me what please,” she pleaded.

“I was just thinking about when you left,” I said, my voice no more than a whisper.

“Oh, what made you think of that?”

“The rain, after you left I just kind of walked out into the rain and ended up standing in it for hours,” I explained shaking my head at my own actions. I looked up towards the sky and the rain falling from it.

“I’m such a bitch,” she said quietly.

“No you are not. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life and I love you with all my heart. I screwed up last time. It's not you, why can't you see?

“I shouldn’t have left though,” she countered.

“You did what you thought you had to and now I’m happy you did. If you hadn’t left we may not be where we are right now honey,” I told her. She nodded and it was quiet for a few minutes until I looked up at the sky. “I never really liked the rain.”

“When I was little my mom told me that the angels were crying when it rained. When I would ask her why they were sad she said because they were watching something sad happen. ‘Like what?’ I would ask her. She told me they were watching a disaster happen or true love fall apart,” she whispered the last part. I held her closer to me and when she looked up at me I kissed her. I kissed her with all the passion I had in me so she would know that I still love her like I did. I’ll never stop loving her, only love her even more, with each passing day.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay new chapter took me long enough but it is here!

comment pleasee

all you need is love,