Status: Complete

We Change, We Wait

Here today, gone tomorrow.

I walked through the buses wondering why I couldn’t sleep. I just had a feeling that something bad was going to happen and I couldn’t sleep because of it. I was walking around aimlessly and saw a spot at the top of a hill. I went and sat under the tree there and looked up at the black sky. There weren’t any stars out tonight. The lights from the city that we were in blotted them out until there were only a few bright ones that you could see. Sometimes I wished I lived out in the country so I could see the stars every night.

I let my eyes closed and felt the cool night air blow my hair around my face. I had always loved being outside at night in warm places like this. I almost wanted to go home since we were so close but I decided against it, I was having fun on Warped. I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching me, I hated the feeling. I opened my eyes and looked around to ease my paranoia, I saw no one so my eyes slipped shut again.

After about ten minutes of trying to shake the feeling that someone was still watching me even though I didn’t see anybody I decided to head back to the bus. I got up and began walking but I didn’t get very far. A hand clasped over my mouth and before I could react my head was pounding. The last thing I saw was the retreating buses…
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sry its so short :[

it had to be

all you need is love,