This Little Game We Like To Play


“Adam and the kids are down on the beach.” Charlotte tells me. I nod and go straight to my room. The thing about our parents is this, they don’t really understand Angel and my hatred for each other. They think we only argue when we first see each other and then we’re fine. Which is wrong. We argue as soon as we see each other, then wait until our parents aren’t around before we go at each other’s throats.

“Mommy!” I heard Maggie scream from downstairs signaling Adam and his three children have returned, Angel being one of them. I cringe at the thought of him.

I hear loud thuds coming upstairs, they definitely didn’t come from either of my sisters. I know neither of the twins could produce such loud steps. That leaving Angel as the only possible owner to the thuds. I hold my breath praying that he doesn’t burst through the door like he always does with an insult ready to fire at me.

I’m surprised when I hear his footsteps and the jingle of the chain he wears on his jeans go past my door. I grin to myself and begin to un-pack my clothes while I listen to The John Butler Trio. I jump when I hear Angels loud obnoxious screaming music through our shared wall. I growl angrily and turn my music up louder.

Only a few seconds after, his music gets louder. This is a normal summer occurrence. “Turn the music down!” my dad yells. Instantly the two songs are cut off, no one wants to get my dad angry.

“Sorry!” I yell.

I just put my last pair of jeans in my dresser. I sigh happily now that everything is put away. I jump on my bed and breath in scent of my clean white comforter. This room is what I love about summer, the tan walls, white bed sheets, and the gorgeous wooden floor relaxes me. I close my eyes and enjoy the salty breeze blowing through my open window.

But as we all know. Angel ruins everything. The door burst open, I jump up from my bed and stare at him leaning in the doorway with a stupid smile on his face. Ew. He got his lip pierced. Plus, his jeans were so tight on him I was surprised he could even walk.

“What?” I ask after he hasn’t insulted me yet.

“Nothing.” he grins about something and leaves. He’s so stupid.

I walk to my full length mirror ans stare back at my reflection. My nose is too pushed up. My eyes are two different sizes. My mouth is off center. My shoulders are too big. My pores are huge. My stomach is too big. My arms are flabby. My ass is huge. My legs look like man legs.

I just want to be beautiful.
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