I'm Loving Angels Instead

Not the Path to Go

I entered the house a few hours later, exhausted. Even after what I had said to David, he continued to be a gentleman and showed me the local hang-outs and "hot spots." He still treated me with respect and courtesy. And secretly, I enjoyed this, despite my biting remarks.

"Is David such a bad person?"

"I guess not."

"Dana, give him a chance."

"I'm trying."

"Not hard enough. He's just trying to be friends."

"I don't want friends, Dad. You saw what happened in Brookston."

"He doesn't seem to be that kind of friend."

"Neither did Alicia, Paris, Brandon, Evan, Cory, Natalie, or Kyle. But look what happened. They turned on me anyway."

"That's enough, Dana. Go get ready for bed."



"Your dad invited us over for tonight."

"Does no one get the point?"

"I got it. I'm just disregarding it."


"I can't imagine anyone who'd wanna go through life alone, no friends or anything."

"Then open your eyes. It's not your imagination anymore, David. This is real."


"'Cause I don't need anybody."

I turned on my heel and went to ICP. Everyone ignored my presence---just way I preferred. Suddenly, a girl swiveled in her chair and smiled at me.

"So you're the girl who hit herself in the face with a locker, huh?"

"I guess."

"How'd that feel?"

"How do you think it felt?"

"Sorry. So...who's the kid?"


"That picture. Who's the kid?"

"My brother."

"He's adorable."


"Alright, class. Listen up. Today, we're taking the unit test. Oh, Dana, you aren't required to. You can work on other class assignments."

And so I spent the whole hour trying not to think, yet I found my thoughts wandering back to David.