Haunted Halloween


The room was actually not too bad. It was small, but it still had a small bathroom attached to it. I took a quick shower and got into bed.

I had only been lying down for a short time when I noticed that the room had gone very cold. It was so cold that my breath was misting. What the hell? Had someone switched on the air conditioning?
Suddenly the bathroom door moved slowly open.

“Okay guys stop your shit. I’m tired and I’d really like to get some sleep.”

These guys really don’t know when to stop. There was no reaction. I got out of bed with a sigh. I’m going to put a stop to this right now. I walked over to the bathroom and pushed the door completely open. I reached out to the light and flicked it on.

There was no one there.
Okay, this is slightly weird. Maybe the door hadn’t been closed all the way and it had swung open. I turned around only to be faced with a sight I was not prepared for. Needless to say I screamed like a little girl.

There in front of me stood a pale little girl with a gaping wound to her head. Blood was streaming down her face and onto the dress she was wearing. I took a deep breath, shit they’d done a great job with the makeup. I wonder who did it, probably Gerard it would take someone with a twisted mind to come up with something like this.

“This isn’t funny guys; you really have a twisted sense of humor.”

I reached out to touch her, but my hand went right through her. My blood ran cold and I started to shiver uncontrollably.

Oh shit, this is not happening. I’m dreaming, yes I’m dreaming. That’s what’s happening. I have fallen asleep and I’m having a nightmare. I was trying really hard to convince myself.

The little girl reached out to me and pinched me.

“Ouch! What was that for?” I yelled in surprise.

“So you’d know that you’re not asleep.” She said and giggled. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“Why shouldn’t I be here?” I asked her; smiling down at her. She wasn’t really that scary. “If you wanted to hurt me you would have done so already.”

She looked at me with such sad eyes.

“You have to go, he’ll come and he will hurt you.”

“Why are you here and what do you mean he’ll hurt me?”

She looked at me again with those sad eyes. She looked so sweet and innocent.

“I died here. He killed me and he’s keeping me here. You have to go if you stay he’ll try and kill you. I try and keep people out of here, but sometimes they stay. He threw someone out of the window; she screamed so horribly.”

A single tear rolled down her cheek.

I heard a horrifying noise coming from the room. It chilled my blood. It was a cross between a growl and a blood curdling laugh. Fear sprung up on her face.

“It’s too late; you’re going to die now.”

“Arabella, I know you’re there. Why do you always do this? You know that no one can save you. You are mine and I’ll kill anyone who tries to take you away from me.”

There followed a hollow and pure evil laugh. My heart was beating so fast it was painful. I looked through the bathroom door and made out a shadowy form at the foot of my bed. Somehow I knew that whatever it was, it was pure evil.

I glanced at Arabella and suddenly my fear disappeared. She looked so forlorn and lost. Fear had taken over and she was shaking. Silent tears were streaming down her face. She’d crawled into the corner and sat there hugging her knees to her chest and she was rocking herself. I felt my heart go out to her and rage took over.

“Arabella, please what is wrong?” I asked her.

“It’s always the same. He comes for me and it hurts, it hurts so much. I’ve tried to get away, but he won’t let me. I’m so tired, why won’t he leave me alone? Why won’t he let me go?”

Understanding dawned on me. She was stuck here and whatever that horrible thing was it kept on hurting her. Repeating the terrible events that led to what I knew was a very painful and slow death. No one deserved such a fate. She definitely deserved it, she looked to be seven or eight years old.

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards us. He was walking slowly towards us. He laughed again, a deep rumbling laugh filled with menace.

“Little flower, I’m coming for you.”

“Leave her alone!” I yelled.

I really don’t know where I got the courage from as fear was gripping my insides, but I just couldn’t let him hurt her again. He laughed that chilling laugh again and it sent fear right through me. My stomach clenched and I felt nauseous. What the hell am I doing? There was no way I could fight him.

He came into view and the fear only got worse. He looked horrible. His eyes were glowing red. The skin on his face was rotten and I swear I could see things crawling over his face and under the skin. Then the smell hit me. I felt the contents of my stomach slowly make its way up my throat. He smelled of things long dead and decaying.
I jumped forward and pushed the door closed.

Oh that’s just great Jared, like that’s going to stop him! Think you idiot.

“Arabella, is there any way that we can get away from him?” I asked her.

She looked at me with a small spark of hope shining in her eyes.

“If we can get out of this room, he won’t be able to follow us. He’s chained to this room and can’t step out of it.”

“Doesn’t that mean you can’t leave this room?”

The door started to shake and his terrible voice came through the door.
“I’m coming for you.” He laughed again.

“If you hold on to me I can go out of this room.” She said; her little voice shaking with fear.

Great now I only had to figure out how to get past a homicidal ghost!