This Road Is Going Nowhere


Bill Kaulitz crawled behind the wooden crates in the old warehouse. The black haired 21 year old clutched his pink glittery gun in his right hand, ready to use it. He could hear the two men speaking German in hushed tones about an illegal business offer. Bill silently thanked his mother for making sure that her son was fluent in English, German, French, Spanish, and Japanese, because the German was really useful for him right now.

Bill was a spy for the United States Federal Government. He was one of the best, and he's never failed a mission in his short career. Bill has been a spy since he was 15 years old. After his mother was killed, he was sent to an orphanage where he helped solve the mystery of his mother's death, and caught the attention of the FBI. Soon he was secretly recruited and sent to an undercover spy academy, isolated in the South Pole. He was a real life spy kid.

Currently Bill's mission was to stop a deal going on between the German Mafia and a German-American oil billionaire. Inside sources told his spy unit that the mob planned on cheating the man out of billions, before killing him. His target was to arrest both of the men before that occurred, and then interrogate them for information that could help lead to the downfall of this strain of the mob, who were responsible for the deaths of hundreds and the stealing of millions of dollars. He needed to bring justice to this.

Bill listened closely to what the men were saying. They were now arguing about the price of something. Bill crawled a bit closer to the men, his gun still ready. It was his favorite gun - he had bought it for himself after successfully saving the U.S. president from an assassination attempt on a trip to Iraq. Sure, he hated George W. Bush, however, he still had to do his job and protect him, and the reward money was what bought him his "baby." He named the gun Skully, and it was covered with light pink rhinestones. On one side it said BILLA in dark pink rhinestones, and the other side of it had a dark pink skull. It was his love, even though it had killed a lot of people...

He heard them talking again.

"So I will be back in approximately 5 minutes with the money. It is in the limo," the man from the mob, Jost, said.

"Yes, I shall wait here," said the other man.

Jost smiled. He started walking out the door of the warehouse, one of his bodyguards following him.

"Watch him," Jost said to his second bodyguard.

"Yes sir."

As soon as Jost left the warehouse, Bill heard a soft ticking noise coming from the crate in front of him. Bill recognized the sound immediately; it was a bomb. The mobster was planning on lowing the other man up.

Bill found a crack in the crate containing the bomb, and he peaked through it to see that he had 10 seconds to get out of that warehouse before it blew up. So without hesitation he quickly stood up and ran out the back door and into the woods behind the warehouse, just in time before the building exploded before his eyes. Through the smoke, he saw the smiling mobster climb into the back of his limo and drive away. Bill silently thanked god that he had thought to attach that tracking device to the bottom of the limo earlier. He took out his cell phone.

"Demonic Am gel to base, send coordinates containing the whereabouts of tracking device 5126. Over." He said quickly. Demonic Angel was his code name.

A moment later he received a text with the coordinates. He texted back immediatly.

"Clean up explosion at Mills Warehouse. Site contains 2 bodies at the scene."

Then he put his cell phone in the pocket of his leather jacket and climbed on top of his motorcycle. It was black with pink flames on the sides. The helmet was the same.

Bill started up the engine and drove away, realizing as he passed the warehouse that the smell of rotting human flesh filled the air. He crinkled his nose in disgust and drove a bit faster until he was finally on a main road and away from the warehouse. Bill drove onto the expressway in search of the mob limo. As he was driving, he received another text.

Hilton Hotel. Room 483. Go prepared.

Bill smiled. Time to play dress up...

He changed his course and returned to the base. There he went to the top floor, which was like a hotel where the spies lived while on a mission in that area.He went to his room where he changed into a tight, sexy black dress, black heels, a padded bra, and a ton of jewelry. Then he touched up his make up, added some red lipstick, and went back out to his motorcycle to complete his mission, a vile of neon green poison tucked safely inside his bra.

When he arrived at the hotel, he took the elevator up to room 483. When he arrived, he leaned against the door to the room, sticking out his hip and putting a manicured hand on it before knocking. Jost answered it.

He looked at Bill up and down, clearly assuming that Bill was a girl. The mobster smiled.

"Hey, sexy lady. How can I help you?"

Bill smirked and stepped inside the hotel room.

"Room service." He winked, and then put his hands on Jost's chest and he kicked the door closed with his foot.

"Saki, give me some time alone with this beautiful woman," the mobster said, talking to a bodyguard that Bill hadn't noticed before. Saki nodded and left.

"So...Let's have some fun,OK?" Bill said in a seductive voice. He raised his voice slightly so it didn't sound too manly.

Jost put his hands on Bill's hips.

"How much?" He asked.

"You can pay me after, depending on how much you liked it," Bill replied.

Jost smiled and motioned towards the bed.

"Lay down," he said.

Bill shook his head.

"No. I ALWAYS go on top," he whispered in Jost's ear. He pushed the crime boss onto the bed and straddled him. The disgusting man was already hard.

Bill tried not to puke as he leaned in and kissed the mobster, with tongue.

"Close your eyes," Bill whispered. Then he pulled the vial of poison out of his bra and opened it. After making sure that Joist's eyes remained closed, he slipped the poison into his mouth. Jost's eyes flew open.

"What the hell - " He suddenly started making a choking noise, and then fell into unconsciousness.

Bill smiled and handcuffed Jost. Sadly, the poison wasn't strong enough to kill the mobster. Bill took out his cell phone.

"It's Demonic Angel. Mission accomplished. Send help to arrest David Jost. Watch out for the bodyguard outside the door. I'm out."

Bill walked over to the window. He opened it and then opened the parachute that was attached to the back of his dress. He jumped out of the 4th floor window and landed smoothly on the ground. Ripping off his dead parachute, he ran towards his motorcycle and drove off into the sunset.

Another mission accomplished. And he didn't even have to break a nail.
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Please tell me what you think. This is the first place that I'm posting this story so i'm still a bit nervous about it...