Say You Mean It.

One Shot!

She hated him more than anything. The way his short brown hair was parted and fell on his face. She hated how he dressed and that stupid crooked smile of his. She hated his cocky ego and the way he'd play on stage. She hated his presence and how under aged girls seemed to throw themselves on him. The bright lights shining on the stage annoyed her, but not as much as the loud pop-punk music being blasted through the speakers. It annoyed her how no matter how bad she thought this was, teenage girls were screaming anyways. She hated the fact that she had to photograph these guys, but most importantly she hated that she was near Alex Gaskarth.

His presence alone annoyed the fuck out of her, but the girl constantly tapping her back annoyed her even more. "I can't see Alex! Can you move!" The girl - who Kelsey presumed to be around 13 - yelled over the music. Kelsey glared daggers and cursed the child before she moved; deciding taking pictures of Jack would be a much better idea. Even though Jack wasn't photogenic she still gave him the benefit of the doubt. See the thing was, Kelsey knew the band. She went to school with All Time Low, grew up with them, and happened to go their parties on occasions. To her defense her best friend, who happened to be dating Jack, made her go to all the parties. Kelsey knew Alex outside of the band. She knew what he was really like and she didn't quite like it. He was cocky, egotistical, loud, drunk half the time, annoying, stupid, the biggest jerk, and really she could go on. Honestly, Alex really wasn't all that bad, but she'd never admit it to you.

The guitar riff to a familiar song started and Kelsey knew it was their last. "Alright, we're All Time Low and this is Dear Maria!" Alex's voice rang through the speakers and Kelsey could argue it was the worst sound in the world. "Let's make-out!" Jack said, getting his final word in before the song kicked into full speed. The teenage crowd screamed as Alex began to sing. Kelsey decided to go back stage where Alex couldn't see her. Seriously the winks he had been giving her were fucking annoying, and so was the blush that would secretly creep upon her cheeks. Once backstage she was met with Matt Flyzik and Janelle. "Get any good shots of Jack?" Janelle asked as soon as Kelsey caught her eye. "You know that's hard." Kelsey countered and Matt choked with laughter. Janelle stuck her tongue out deep down knowing Kelsey was right. The screams and cries grew louder meaning the show was done. "Three, two, and one." Kelsey muttered. The boys ran backstage one by one as if on cue. Jack ran to Janelle, who ran away because Jack was drenched with sweat, Zack stripped down, Rian went for a towel, and there was Alex with his normally cocky smile.

A shriek came from outside and Kelsey knew Jack caught up with Janelle. Rian smiled his perfect smile and announced he was going to make sure they weren't 'getting it on'. Zack and Matt began to move the equipment out of the venue and into the storage van. "Well, I guess that leaves just us then." Alex smirked, seduction leaking out of his voice. Kelsey groaned and nodded, already moving away from him. "Let me see the pictures." Alex stated, but Kelsey shook her head. "Please," Alex pouted and for some bizarre reason Kelsey agreed. Alex looked through all the pictures on her Canon Rebel as she studied him. His sweaty brown hair didn't look half bad and when Alex would laugh a bit something inside her twitched. "Jack really can't take good pictures," Alex smiled and for a second she melted, but of course he had to ruin it. "I look damn good though." Oh, joy. She rolled her eyes as Alex sat by her on the couch. He poked her nose and caused her to give him a look of confusion. "Hey guess what." Alex questioned and Kelsey raised her eyebrow. "You're beautiful," He whispered. His face grew closer and closer and before she knew it, his soft lips were pressed firmly upon hers. Sparks ran down her spine and she found herself kissing back, but before she could really enjoy it Alex pulled back. "See you on the bus baby," and there was that crooked, cocky smile that made her hate him all over.

Her head fell in her hands and she took a deep breath. This is why she hated Alex; he always did this. He always makes her think that maybe, just maybe, things would work out between them. He always makes me think that maybe, just maybe, he's not all that bad. But of course he always does something to mess things up and to make her think the worst. Of course, that's Alex. He'll always be that Alex. She managed to shake the thoughts from her mind, deciding that Alex wasn't worth getting upset over. He was never worth it. In one shift motion, she managed to get off the cough bringing her camera and laptop with her. She walked out of the venue and onto the bus trying to ignore everything. She didn't feel like talking to anyone or looking at them for that matter. She went straight the back longue, ignoring Jack talking to her with a mouthful of food. Jack didn't take it personally though; this was a routine. Almost every day this happened, and in about an hour she'll feel better.

Two hours later and Kelsey felt the familiar vibrations meaning the bus was on the road again. The loud laughter coming from the front of the bus meant that everybody once again was drinking. Normally she would join in and have a good time, but today she really didn't feel like it. Not when her head was running in a million different directions. She pulled the pillow over her head, half hoping to suffocate herself, but she heard the back door being open. "Hey Kels?" and there was the voice from the boy she hated so much right now. "What," she mumbled. Alex lifted the pillow off of her head and looked down at her. "What are you doing?" She looked at him with a blank expression and didn't say a word. They sat like that for what seemed like hours. "Are you going to talk to me?" Alex asked, sinking into the couch that Kelsey was laying on. She shook her head and starred at the ceiling. "Why? Because I did this?" Alex asked before he bent down to kiss her lips again. She turned her head and nodded. "You can't do that whenever you want, Alex," she stated. Kelsey sat up and looked him into the eye. "Why? I like you." Alex lunged forward and caught her lips once more. Kelsey’s head became fuzzy and she kissed back.

She snapped to her senses and pushed Alex off of her. "You're drunk," she stated, her voice shaky. "No I'm not, I didn't drink anything." For once Kelsey believed him. She could see it in his eyes and she was actually proud of him. "I want you," Alex stated while his eyes shone with need. She didn't know what was going on in her head; something was making her agree to Alex. Because before she knew it, she was pulling Alex down for another kiss. He laid on top of her and kissed her sweetly. He wanted her to know that he wasn't taking advantage of her. This was for real, and Kelsey knew that. Before she knew it, the kiss grew more heated. Alex pulled her shirt over her head and soon their clothes were all over the back lounge. Moans could be heard loud and clear, but no one seemed to notice. The rest of the band and crew were drunk and didn't think anything of it. "I love you," Alex panted. "Say you mean it," Kelsey gasped, looking into his brown eyes. "I mean it."

Two days later Kelsey found herself in the normal place; taking pictures of the band. Only this time it was different. She wasn't picking out the flaws that Alex had. She actually took the time to notice the things about him that made her heart skip a beat. The way he changed up the songs when he sang might have been stupid to everybody else, but it made her laugh every time. His crooked smile that she used to hate so much doesn't bother her anymore; she's taking the time to notice how beautiful he looks when he flashes a genuine smile. The brown hair that used to annoy her now makes her want to run her fingers threw it. Alex himself just made her glow. She found herself taking more pictures of Alex than usual. He would look down and smile at her when her camera lens pointed at him. That simple gesture alone made her beam with joy. Her favorite guitar riff had started and she knew that meant Remembering Sunday was going to be played. The rest of the members left the stage which only left Alex and his acoustic guitar. "He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes..." He sang as his eyes closed. Her eyes never left him and she realized how amazing his voice actually was. It was time for the band to come back and finish the song with Alex, but Jack was missing. Kelsey shook her head as she saw that Jack was preoccupied kissing Janelle. She grabbed her camera and captured the shot before Matt came over and pushed Jack on stage.

Janelle talked her out of taking pictures the next day, saying that it's more fun back stage. Kelsey wasn't going to argue with her though, she didn't feel good and she didn't feel like listening to all the screaming fans. She laid down on the couch when her stomach suddenly grew worse. Janelle sat by her on the couch with a concerned look. "Are you okay Kels?" Janelle asked, brushing her best friends hair away from her sweating face. "No," Kelsey groaned as she felt her stomach do all sorts of twists and turns. Kelsey jumped off the couch as soon as she felt all her stomach contents coming back up. Janelle was behind her holding her hair as Kelsey threw it all up. "Matt! Get some water!" Janelle yelled, and strangely enough Matt heard her. "Everything alright?" Matt asked, as Kelsey took the water bottle and downed it. She shook her head and Matt helped her back on the couch. "Kelsey.. This may sound weird, but.. Alex wore a condom right?" Kelsey froze. At that very moment everything went black and she swore her world was ending.

"Kelsey! Just look at it already please!" Janelle asked. She was crammed into the bus bathroom with Kelsey. Kelsey was pacing back in forth in the small space and freaking out. "I can't!" She simply said. "Then I'll look at it for you!" Janelle said, reaching for the object but Kelsey stopped her. "Don't touch it! I peed on that you know." "Very good point," Janelle stated, "You read it." Kelsey took a deep breath and picked up the pregnancy test. She opened her eyed and looked down at it. There it was. A little pink plus sign looking up at her. "I..I-I'm pregnant.." Kelsey said, falling to her knees but Janelle picked her up. "I-I can't tell A-Alex!" She was close to hysterics. "Yes you can, it'll be okay. Trust me. Alex admitted he loved you, he isn't going to leave you now. Hell, everyone knew you two liked each other for the longest time." Janelle's words reassured Kelsey and she hugged her best friend. "Hey, by the did you know Alex and I had sex?" Janelle smirked and laughed. "Come on. I wasn't THAT drunk now. You know I enjoy seeing Jack make a fool out of himself."

Kelsey was waiting outside the bus as the boys signed autographs and took pictures for their fans. She knew she had to tell Alex, but the problem was she didn't know when to tell him or how for that matter. She didn't know what to do. She felt like she had been distancing herself from Alex over the past couple of days and maybe she was, but she had a perfectly good reason. "Hey baby," she heard as a pair of arms snaked around her waist and a head rested on her shoulder. "Hiii," she giggled as she turned to face Alex. She kissed his lips softly and all the baby thoughts left her mind. "How do you know I wasn't Zack or somebody?!" Alex asked and she kissed him again. "Mmm. I'd kiss him too." Alex’s lips turned into a line and he looked at her with a serious look. "I'm just kidding!" Alex laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. "Hey, what's wrong? You've been avoiding me. Everything okay?" Kelsey just starred at him. She was having a mental battle in her head. She knew she had to tell him, he deserved to know. She knew it was his baby. The problem was she just didn't want to lose him. That was her biggest fear. She kissed his cheek before she moved her lips to his ear. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. When she pulled back, Alex dropped his hands from her hips and looked at her with the most stunned expression she had ever seen.

"You're what?" He whispered, pulling her onto the bus where the fans couldn’t hear. Kelsey nodded her head as the first tear left her eyes. "Are you sure? I mean like you're really pregnant? This is really happening? Fuck I'm only twenty!" Alex yelled, pacing back and forth. She just stood there, looking at the floor as more tears escaped from her brown eyes. "Shit Kels, don't cry." Alex said taking his girlfriend into his arms. "You don't want it, do you?" Kelsey cried into his shoulder as he rubbed her back. "I never said that. Hey, we can do this. Okay?" She lifted her head and looked at him. "If you thought I'd leave you over this, you're wrong. I love you okay? I mean I know we just got together but hell. Everyone knew we liked each other." Kelsey found herself laughing, "Yeah.. Janelle said that." Alex smiled and Kelsey’s face lit up. "I love you." Alex kissed her over and over until all the tears dried from her eyes. "I love you too." She said and she meant it. She really, really meant it. "I'm going to be a dad!" Alex smiled, as if he just realized that. "Yeah you are," Kelsey whispered as Alex brought her into another hug. She didn't know if she believed him, but she knew she wanted to stay like this forever.

The first couple of months through her pregnancy had been hell. Shit, hell would be an understatement. The music and the screaming fans annoyed her more than usual. She couldn't take it when the fans would ask her if she was pregnant with Alex's baby. "No, I just got fat as fuck." She'd spit at them. Janelle offered to take pictures for the boys so Kelsey could rest backstage. Needless to say, the majority of the pictures had been Jack but Kelsey didn't even care. She'd been moody for some time now and she's been having craving like mad. Of course she couldn't do anything to justify the cravings because she was on fucking tour for crying out loud. She closed her eyes and drowned out everything except for her boyfriend’s voice which she could so faintly hear. "Okay, this next song is my girlfriend’s favorite. She's probably sleeping backstage because she's pregnant and all," anyone could hear the smile from Alex's voice, "but this is Remembering Sunday and I love you Kelsey." Everything that was annoying Kelsey suddenly left her mind. She realized that she had the greatest boyfriend any girl could ask for. Alex made her smile on a daily basis. As she thought about it, she doesn't know how she lived without him for so long because he makes her so happy.

The tour was finally over and Kelsey couldn't be happier. Alex and her announced they were moving in together. Jack, Zack and Rian all helped move her in since she was, well, pregnant. Janelle didn't do much except keep Kelsey sane. The nine months had been hectic but she wasn't about to think about it. Alex had taken her out since it was their nine month anniversary. They went to the park at night when the stars were shining bright. Alex had laid a blanket down in the grass and placed candles carefully around it. They laid down together as Alex sang to her. "I can't start wishing that I went for something more, but I can dream between my losing faith and now," His voice was soft as he rubbed her stomach. "I've got plans of stay proud with every single scream I'll find my place in every city. No, never lose my voice." Kelsey’s eyes were closed as she listened to her boyfriend sing. Alex would pause every now and then when he felt the baby kick. The doctors had said it was a boy and Alex jumped out of his chair with excitement. "Kelsey," Alex whispered, kissing up from her neck to her lips. "Mmm?" She groaned. "Will you marry me?" He whispered into her ear, like she had done when she told him that she was pregnant all those months ago. Her eyes shot open and Alex helped her to sit up. She studied his face and when she saw he was serious, she started to cry. "Yes," she said so quietly that it was almost inaudible. Alex's smile grew and he slipped the ring on her finger. "You know what?" Alex asked as Kelsey attacked him with kisses. "We're six feet under the stars." Kelsey laced her fingers with Alex as they both kissed with the starts shining bright over them.

"Ahh! Fuck!" Kelsey screamed in the delivery room. Every single member of All Time Low plus Janelle and Matt had been in the room, despite Kelsey’s arguments. Alex's hand had been turning red from Kelsey squeezing so hard. "Come on, a couple more pushes," the doctor encouraged. Janelle had been at her side holding her other hand and drying off the sweat from her forehead. Jack almost passed out from the 'miracle of child birth' and Zack, Matt and Rian decided to just stay as far away as possible. When Kelsey thought she was going to die she heard a gasp and the sound of a baby crying. Alex had frozen up and Kelsey let out a sigh of relief. The doctors cleaned up the baby and placed him into Kelsey’s arms. She looked down at her new baby boy and up at Alex. "Alex.. It's your son." Alex's smile widened as he grabbed hold of his songs tiny hand. "Hey little guy.. I'm your dad," He said proudly. Janelle came over, followed by the rest of the boys, to see the baby. Janelle rubbed Alex’s back. "Congratulations bro."

The doctor announced that everyone else had to leave except for Alex. He was still holding onto to his sons hand as Kelsey smiled at him. "You look so cute right now you know." Alex smiled down at her and kissed her forehead."He looks like you," Alex said looking into Kelsey’s eyes. "He has your hair and your nose though." Alex looked down at his baby boy and smiled. Everything was getting better for him and he couldn't be happier. He had a fiancé who he loved so much and now he has a newborn son. "Have you thought of a name for your son?" The nurse asked as she walked into the room. "Uhhh -" Alex started. "James Alexander Gaskarth," Kelsey smiled. The nurse nodded and walked out of the room once more. "I love you," Alex said as he kissed Jimmy’s forehead and kissed Kelsey’s lips. "I love you too, and Jimmy loves you also." With that Jimmy let out his first laugh and the two parents couldn't be happier.