What!? Billie Joe Armstrong Is My Dad!

Lunch Time.

On the way to my group Jai and Jaymie were glaring at me. Burning holes in the back of my head. Ok here's the deal. I [strike]kind of[/strike] had a huge crush on Jai. I mean who wouldn't he is absolutley gorgeous. That really nice tan, gorgeous eyes, a charming smile, a perfect face, lip piercing. Gosh I was in heaven. Well that all changed until one day all my friends yelled out that Charlotte Armstrong loves Jai!! That was so humiliating. Now all I get is glares from Jai and Jaymie. Now Josh is here. He is gorgeous. He is a great singer to.

"Guys this is Josh. He is new. Please don't be mean!" I said.

"Herro Josh!" They all yelled.

"Hey, you hungry?" I asked Josh.

"Yes, I haven't had fucking anything since yesterday lunchtime." Josh replied. Hmm. I actually think I heard his stomach growling.

"Haha. Your stomach was talking!" I yelled. All of a sudden we heard a growl from my stomach.

"Haha. Your stomach was growling too!!" He said laughing.


Sorry it's so short guys. My brain isn't kinda working at the moment. I will think of something for a new chapter tomorrow.

Please comment! If you don't comment I will delete my story. I will try to have regular updates. I promise. Just don't hold your breath alright. Lol.

Thanks xoxo.

Jess XoXo