‹ Prequel: Alone With You


Chapter Four.

*Brian’s POV*

I stood there, not knowing what to do or say. My palms got sweaty and my breath became funny as I looked at the innocent broken form before me. His eyes had lost the colour they held onto. His hair was unkempt and messy. His body had wasted away, his once full figure now looking like some anorexic boys body. His eyes slowly met mine, his mouth twitching into a small smile.

I slowly walked into the room, closing the door behind me. I walked up to his bed and practically pounced on it, wanting to feel his loving embrace once more. His arms fell loosely around my waist as I let out a chocked sob into his neck. He pulled back and looked at me.

“Your awake.” I smiled

“Yeah.” he muttered. He leaned in for a kiss, but I turned my head before he could. I heard a sigh as he lay back down. I climbed off the bed and into the plastic chair next to it.

“I’m sorry.” I said

“No, I understand.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I mean six years is a long time.” he whispered. His voice saddened at the thought. He looked over to the cards that were neatly placed on the corner of his bed.

“Who’s Jake?” he smiled

I got up and walked outside, but I smiled at him first, so he didn’t think that I was walking out. I jogged to the maternity ward where I found Denim fussing over two tiny twins, Jake and Jordan were sat on some plastic chairs by her.

“Hey.” she said as I walked up to them

“He’s awake!” I almost screamed

“I know, its all over the hospital.” She smiled.

“He wants to meet you guys.” I said to Jordan and Jake.

“Really?” Jordan smiled wide.

“Yeah come on.” I said picking Jake up by the sides, holding him close as he sat on my hip. I picked Jordan up and copied the actions on my other hip.

“Will he like us?” Jake asked

“Of course.” I muttered. I had waited for this day to come for years, but I didn’t know if I was happy. I knew I wasn’t over him but there was something inside me that screamed when he looked at me. Like it was telling me I was doing something I shouldn’t be. A wave of guilt passed over me as I walked through the hospital, back to the familiar room. I opened the door to see a nurse messing with his IV tube, placing a fresh bag on the hook.

“This is Jake.” I motioned to the guy on my left hip,

“And this is Jordan.” I said looking at the small creature that had nuzzled itself into my chest.

His eyes became watery and a lone tear ran down his cheek, before millions gently cascaded down his flush face. I heard a small gasp from beside me and Jordan wiggle out of my grip. He ran onto Zacky’s bed and hugged him. I saw his face brake out into a smile as he felt Zack hug back. I felt Jake jump out of my arms and into Zack’s. I walked over and sat in the chair. I then realised that I was crying, happy tears, like when you cry but you don’t know it.

I got up after sitting there for a few minutes, thinking it was the best option to leave them alone.
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There we go, I think you commented enough! LOL!

I'm starting a new joint synacky with Dead!22, I dont know when the first chaper will be up, probably tonight, idk.