‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Alexandra's POV

I yawned, and sat up. I looked at the time, realizing we had fallen asleep.

My phone rang loudly, so I quickly answered it without checking the caller I.D.

Jason: Alex, we thought you died!
Alex: Sorry.
Jason: Why are you whispering?
Alex: Boyfriends sleeping.
Jason: Oh, that's co--You have a boyfriend?
Alex: Ugh. I never tell you anything.
Jason: Yeah... Chase called yesterday I think, why didn't you answer it?
Alex: Wedding.
Jason: Whose?
Alex: Uh... A friends.
Jason: Okay... Wait, Chase wants to talk to you. Little man's sleeping.
Alex: He has a name.
Jason: Yeah, but he's little.
Alex: Yeah... Just let me talk to Chase.
Jason: Fine. Bossy.
Chase: Alex! It's about time!
Alex: Yeah... Anyways?
Chase: We were worried about you.
Alex: Sorry.
Chase: And what's this I hear about your boyfriend?
Alex: I don't know...
Chase: Alex, I want to know everything.
Alex: Promise not to tell?
Chase: Hold on. I'm going to go downstairs so Jason doesn't listen.
Alex: Okay.
Chase: Okay, now tell me.
Alex: Well... On the first day we came here, someone tried killing us... And two guys came and saved us...
Chase: Someone tried killing you?
Alex: Yeah. Now let me finish.
Chase: Sorry.
Alex: Anyways, after that, they said how we weren't going to live through the night, so they brought us to their house... And now I'm engaged, Bella just got married... But you can't tell!
Chase: Alex! How could you keep this from me?
Alex: I thought you would tell someone...
Chase: I wouldn't... But when are you coming home?
Alex: Um... Never?
Chase: Alex, please? We're gonna miss you.

Joe sighed, and sat up a little.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked. I mouthed my brothers name. Joe yawned, and took my phone, and pressed it to his ear. I smiled, and leaned against him so I could hear the phone conversation.

Chase: Alex?
Joe: I took the phone from her. What were you talking about?
Chase: Is this her boyfriend?
Joe: Yeah.
Chase: Oh... Nice to meet you I guess.
Joe: Ditto.
Chase: She was just mentioning on how she wasn't coming home.
Joe: Really? Huh. You sound worried.
Chase: Of course I am! She's my sister!
Joe: Dude, chill! We're getting married soon... And maybe for the honeymoon, we'll stop by there for a few days. How about it?
Chase: Seriously?
Joe: Sure, why not?
Chase: Isn't that going to be expencive?
Joe: Don't worry about it. I have the money.
Chase: Tell Alex she picked a good one.
Joe: Ha ha, will do.
Chase: Okay, go annoy her or something.
Joe: I'll do that too.
Chase: Bye.
Joe: Bye.

He closed my phone, and smiled at me. I grinned.

"You mean it?" I asked. He nodded. I grinned widely, and happily pushed my lips roughly against his. He sighed.

"If this is how your gonna repay me, I'm gonna do stuff like that more often." He smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meg's turn!

-Echo [Ash]