‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Isabella's POV

Kevin and I were tangled in the red satin sheets.. We were both breathing heavy.. Kevin was stroking my hair and kissing me..

"I love you," he said and I smiled..

"I love you too," I sai dan dhe smiled..

"You.. Need.. Sleep," he said inbetween kissing me...

"Fine," I growled and he chuckled..

"Well you need sleep if you plan on doing the things I have planned for us," he said and I smiled..

"Okay.. Night," I said closing my eyes. He kissed my cheek and I listened to his humming... I fell asleep quickly but it felt like I just fell asleep when Kevin woke me up..

"What time is it?" I groaned and he chuckled..

"8 am here. 10 pm in Italy." he said and I smiled.. He picked me up and hugged me..

"I'll go change," I said and he nodded. He was showered and dressed already.. I wlaked into the bathroom and took a shower.. I got out and Kevin was standing in front of me with one of the outfit Alex pickedout for me.. He kissed me and handed it to me..

"Help me put it on?" I asked and he smiled..

"Sure," he replied and after I put on under clothing he fixed my shirt and skirt when I put them on.. I put on my make-up and brushed my teeth.. I slipped on my shoes and I noticed he was being very careful with me.. It was very different then how he was..

"Let's go!" he said tugging on my hand lightly.. I let him and jumped on his back.. He walked down the street and France was gorgeous!

We went into this homely looking place and ate breakfast then Kevin took me shopping from every store.. We went and ate dinner.. Yes, he made us shop that long! It was 8 pm when we got back to the hotel.. He was carrying all the bags plus me..

"How do you do that?" I asked half asleep.

"Because you're really strong when you become a vampires," he said opening the door and put the bags down and carried me over to the bed.. He stripped me down to my underclothing, Changed and tucked me in.. He kissed me softly..

"Goodnight Bella," he said and I feel asleep..
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Ash's turn! Comment! :)