‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story


*!*! Ella's POV

"Bella what's wrong?" Kevin asked sternly and I was about to answer but a yell came through the house.

"Girls. hide somewhere in the house until Samuel, Joe, me, or Nick comes to get you. Stay there and don't move," Kevin said and we nodded.They disappeared upstairs and We ran outside barefoot but we didn't think about shoes right now. We ran through the twists and turns of the maze and found the Roses.. there were so many. We found the perfect hiding place . Under this huge bush of Red, white and yellow roses..

We sat underneath careful not to prick ourselves on the thorns.

"W-When's Joe suppose to be back?" I whispered but she shook her head..

'i.. i don't know. He left before I got up. the note said he would be back soon," Alex said as we inhauled the scent of the roses around us..

"But at least the flowers smell good," we said and giggled. But we stopped when we heard two people walking..

"Umm. Will? Are you sure my sister's out here?" we heard a voice say.

"Yes Arianna, She's around here somewhere," Will said and we covered each others mouth.

"Paul.. Where is Ami?" another girl asked.

"Joseph where is Trisha?"

"Nicholas where is Hannah?" another one asked..

"Soon my dears." Kevin's voice rang.. I shivered..

We heard a kissing sound and slowly peeked through the bush. We saw our guys kissing these girls! Our eyes watered but we watched silently.

The guys each went to the neck and then we watched wide eyed with terror. We heard them scream and blood ran down each of their necks to their feet.. The light slowly left their eyes and we had tears streaming down our faces.. We heard something drop.

"Thanks for scaring the girls out of the house. We needed human blood for once," Joe said and Alex looked sickened and I was the same..

'Where are they anyway?" Kevin asked and i coudln't take it.

I carefully found my way out of the bush along with Alex and we stood beside it.. The guys looked at us shocked..

'Nick! You said they were in the living room!" Kevin hissed. Nick was talking with will and Sam..

"Bella. Alex" Kevin and Joe said walking towards us but we backed up.

"Stay away from us," I hissed and they stopped.

'baby," Kevin said and Alex glared. I glanced at her..

"Leave us alone." She said pulling my arm. We walked off and they appeared in front..

'What's the matter with you?!" They asked holding us. I struggled and Alex did too.

"Oh nothing. We just watch you drain humans in front of us.. Is that what we are. Just a human snack?' I spat and Alex nodded..

"No why would you think that?' Joe asked..

"Maybe because we have human blood," Alex said and they let us go. We ran inside and up the stairs. We locked ourselves in Alex's room.. We made sure no vampire could get in..
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Ash's turn! Comment! :) :)