‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Isabella's POV

I cried into my hands.. I didn't want to leave Kevin but.. That site made me queasy. How could they kill humans like that? they had to of known, we would run outside..

It started raining and it pelted the window. Things were certain.. I wanted to go home. I missed mom and dad..

Alex came out of the Bathroom crying. I ran over and held her as she held me..

"I want to go home," I whispered and she nodded..

"We are.. Don't worry," She said. For once she was the more mature one. The one I depended on..

We started packing our bags. I had to go to my room but Alex was right there. The guys were against the wall.

"Ella. please," Kevin pleaded but we kept walking. Alex was done packing.

Now it was my turn.. It was killing me leaving here.. But I continued packing.Alex bought 2 tickets back to Texas over the phone. We got our things and packed them in the car..

Kevin, Nick and Joe were watching us. We got into the Cab. It drove us to the airport and we boarded our plane..

"I had enough of Italy," Alex muttered and I nodded...

"Let's just sleep. There's no way they know where we live," I said and we nodded. I waited until she fell asleep before I dozed off. The plane took off when I fell asleep..

Someone shook me and I jumped awake..

"Sorry.. We're about to land. Want to spend the night at my house?" Alex asked and I nodded. The plane landed and we got our things..

I saw my car and we packed our things in them and got in.. I drove to Alex's house. It was sunny here..

Chase was outside.. We got out and he ran to hug Alex.. then he hugged me.. We got our things with Chase's help and walked into the house.

We took them up to her room and unpacked a little.. Not all things.. It was good to be back in Texas again.. We changed and went to the living room.. We all chilled there in silence..
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Filler. Ash's turn! What will the guys do?? Find out in Ash's chapter! Comment!