‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Alexandra's POV

Joe pushed his lips back against mine, and started playing with the bottom of my shirt. He slowly lifted it up, inch by inch, then pulled it off my body. He tossed it in a random corner, then started running his hand up my fishnet stockings. He smirked.

"That feels cool." He mumbled into my skin. He slowly started to unbutton my jeans. I pushed on his chest. He either ignored it, or didn't feel it. He zipped down the zipper, then slowly pulled my shorts down. I pushed on his chest again, a little harder.

"Joe." I murmured. He started kissing my throat, but nodded for me to continue.

"Did you not feel that?" I asked. He sighed, and looked down at me.

"That spark? Baby, I know. It's amazing." He panted. I smiled up at him.

"No, I mean yeah, I feel it too, but I was talking about when when I pushed on your chest." I muttered. He smirked at me.

"Am I aloud to push on your chest, cause that'd be hot." He said. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"No, you can't." I said. He shrugged, then kissed my neck again.

"Then you can't push on mine." He mumbled. He flipped us both over, then started sliding my shorts off again. I put one of my hands on his. He smirked again, and grabbed my hand.

He slid his tongue in my mouth, and explored it. He smiled in victory, then rested his hands on my hips. I took this as an advantage, and pulled my shorts back up. He set his hands on top of mine quickly.

"They look better off." He whispered. I pushed my lips against his to keep him quiet, and made sure my pants stayed up. He tried pulling them down again, and I stopped him.

"Alex," He whined. I smiled, and pulled his shirt off. He smirked.

"This is getting hot." He panted. I quickly pecked him on the lips, then handed him his shirt back.

"Yeah, it was. Goodnight." I said. His mouth dropped open.

"What?" He asked. I pulled my shorts back up, and buttoned and zipped them up. I grabbed his shirt, and pulled it over my head. He looked down at me.

"Is there enough room for two in there?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe. Depends on how big it is." I giggled. He wiggled his eyebrows, and hugged me.

"I think it's a medium." He said. I smiled.

"Damn. Oh well, night." I said, gently pushing him off me. He landed next me, then started kissing me behind my ear.

"Joey," I whined. He smirked, then started kissing his ways towards my lips. I rolled over so I was facing him, then wrapped my arms around his neck. He pushed his forehead against mine, and smiled.

"I love you." He mumbled. I smiled back at him, pushing my lips onto his.

"I love you too." I grinned.
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Eh... This took forever to write cause I was on msn, and my friends boyfriend was flirting with me... Awkward. xD
Meg's turn!

-Echo [Ash]